Notetaker needed for 11:10 AM lecture

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Sun Jan 15 19:29:20 EST 2023

Disability Services is recruiting a volunteer to be a notetaker for my 11:10 AM class for

fellow students.

Being a notetaker is an opportunity to help Disability Services provide equal access to

a college education for all students. As a notetaker, you'll be emailing a copy of your

notes after each class period. You will be compensated either with a stipend of $25

per credit hour or by receiving a certificate of your volunteer hours.

If you're attending recitation and lecture anyway, you could be paid for simply sharing

your notes with other students.  Hopefully, you're already taking notes for lecture and

recitation.  If you're using Notability on your iPad it's pretty simple to send the

Notability file to someone else as well (preferably a Notability formatted file with the

audio recording integrated).

If you are interested, please contact me ASAP and include in your message whether

or not you currently have an on-campus job.  I only need 1 notetaker so first come

first picked.

Dr. Zellmer
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