reviewing 1210 material

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Tue Jan 10 23:04:56 EST 2023

I've had several people asking me about what material should be reviewed
from 1210.

Go to my 1220 personal class webpage.  Click on the "Notes" link.  At the
top of the page you'll see "Review" and the sections from 1210 I feel are
the most important to review.  I suggest starting with Ch 11 and solids from
Ch 12.  I have links for my Ch 11 notes.  Below that I have a link for
bonding in solids, EOC exercises and then a link to a table for the 4 types
of solids and their properties based on their attractive forces.  That's what's
most important for solids.  Don't worry about unit cells and calculations
involving unit cells.

I also have pre-recorded lecture videos for Ch 11 and 12 (solids) on Carmen.
They're in the "Lecture Videos - pre-recorded" submodule in the Lecture
module.  If you're struggling with the concepts in Ch 11 (attractive forces,
properties of liquids and solids, phase diagrams, etc.) you should consider
watching these videos.

There's a tutorial homework set in Mastering which covers Ch 11 material.
It is for credit and due by 11:59 PM this Saturday, Aug. 27.

Get these things done now before we get too much further into Ch 13.  We
completed section 13.4 today so it's just that section and reviewing Ch 11
you need to get done before Thursday.

Dr. Zellmer
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