Dr. Nguyen's review - 11 AM today
Zellmer, Robert
zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Tue Apr 25 08:28:31 EDT 2023
Dr. Nguyen will be holding a review TODAY, April 25, 8:05-10 PM in
1000 McPherson. It will also be in Zoom, the link below. It is a webinar and
you need to use the password below the link. The following is copied from the
e-mail she sent to her students and other instructors. Please be respectful
and keep noise to a minimum.
If you can't make it you can still use her packet of problems and we can cover
some of those questions during our review. I'm not sure they're necessary
since there are two practice finals, two other packets of questions in the practice
finals module, the practice midterms, midterms and our quizzes you can study
from but they can't hurt if you have the time.
Dr. Zellmer
Here are the documents Dr.N will work through:
Blank handout: https://go.osu.edu/letswinchemistry-1220-final-review
Key to handout: https://go.osu.edu/letswinchemistry-1220-final-review-key
* For groups of students who wish to have engaging discussions with one another during the session, Dr.N suggests Zooming into the session from one of the first floor McPherson classrooms. All the classrooms will be open in the evening. Each classroom has a podium computer you can log into and project to a screen with audio.
* If you decide to attend in-person, please keep chatting to a minimum so all 1220 students can benefit from the session.
You are invited to a CarmenZoom webinar.
When: Apr 25, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Chem 1220 Final Exam Review session with Dr.N in MP1000
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: winchem4
Note about the webinar: You must join this Zoom webinar via your OSU email. To ensure you are logged into your OSU issued Zoom, click log out, then log back in using the SSO option, type osu into the box under company name and it will take you to the normal OSU login page. If you receive an error when joining it is because you are not logged into your OSU Zoom account.
I urge all students to take advantage of the chat feature in this webinar because you will be unable to unmute yourself to talk to me directly. Please direct all questions to ALL participants (not just the host), so everyone can benefit from questions asked.
If you are unable to attend the live review via Zoom or in person, the recording to the review session with links to the handout and key will be linked in the description and posted on my youtube channel.
Link to Dr.N's Youtube Channel: youtube.com/@letswinchemistry<https://www.youtube.com/@letswinchemistry>
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