[AFS_OSU] Upcoming Meetings and CIC

Ridgeway, Colin D. ridgeway.38 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Tue Oct 2 08:15:17 EDT 2018


I apologize as we have not been able tog get down into the foundry due to classes being taught in there during business hours lately.

My goal is to have at least 2 meetings in the foundry by before October 18th, or maybe even more.

The first meeting will be a practice meeting where we can make any of the premade patterns, and the second/third/fourth.  Will be us making the Speaker Award for the Central Ohio AFS Chapter.

As a reminder the Central Ohio AFS Chapter will be attending OSU on October 18th to check in on our progress as well as announce their annual scholarship!  Please plan on attending since it will be here in MacQuigg!

Finally, if any of you have interest in attending the CIC, please let me know!  Here is an info page: https://www.fefinc.org/news-events-18/235-news-cic-18.html

College Industry Conference - Foundry Educational Foundation<https://www.fefinc.org/news-events-18/235-news-cic-18.html>
The 2018 College Industry Conference (CIC) will be held on November 15 and 16 at the Westin Michigan Avenue in Chicago. This is the best event for the metalcasting industry where you can meet and network with over 100 students representing the top engineering programs across North America.


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