[AFS_OSU] AFS Funding Opportunity!

Ridgeway, Colin D. ridgeway.38 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Fri Jan 26 09:03:26 EST 2018


Please see the following announcement from FEF! This would be a great opportunity for any of you interested in potentially going to AFS Show/Conference this year or any other activities!  Please let me know if you are interested!

Beginning today, FEF will accept grant requests of up to $2,000 per AFS Student Chapter per school year to help advance their role as brand ambassadors of metalcasting for young minds.

With the support of a generous donor, FEF has created a fund to assist AFS Student Chapters; they can utilize the funds to help further their efforts to increase interest in the field of metalcasting at FEF-supported institutions. AFS is partnering with FEF on evaluating requests, coordinating student chapter officers and their advisors, and promoting this fund.

The requesting process includes filling out a one-page application and, following the completion of the project, submitting a one to two paragraph report explaining what was done, the results, and what the funds were spent on.

More specific information is available here<http://fefinc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=252>, as well as the application form<http://fefinc.org/afs-student-chapter-grant-application.html>.

On Friday, we will also be sending this email to the list of chapter officers we have as well as the 2017 CIC student attendees.


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