[Vwoolf] Uncollected Letters of Virginia Woolf

sbarkway at btinternet.com sbarkway at btinternet.com
Thu Aug 17 17:24:36 EDT 2023

As some of you will know, Stuart Clarke and Stephen Barkway are searching
for letters from Virginia Woolf that did not make it into the six-volume
collection of her letters (Hogarth Press/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1975-80).  These additional letters will be published by Edinburgh
University Press.  We're hoping to have almost finished by the end of the
year, and to submit the 'manuscript' next summer.  We have been allowed to
include the 'new' letters in 'Congenial Spirits'.  The book will be a
substantial tome.


If any of you have any such letters, or copies of them, or know where they
are, then we should love to hear from you.


Many of the letters have been published in whole or in part, in auction
catalogues, books and articles (e.g. 'Some [Nineteen] New Woolf Letters',
ed. Joanne Trautmann Banks, Modern Fiction Studies 30:2 (Summer 1984):
175-202; in the Virginia Woolf Miscellany (43 & 55); Woolf Studies Annual
(1, 7 & 8) and almost every issue of the 'Virginia Woolf Bulletin'), but of
course we are hunting for copies of the originals.


We have checked all the institutions with substantial Woolf holdings, those
who are mentioned as owners in the six volumes, and those listed in the
annual 'Woolf Studies Annual' under 'Guide to Library Special Collections.
There may be obscure (from a Woolfian point of view) institutions that have
the odd letter and that we are not aware of.  For example, if it had not
been for Beth Rigel Daugherty, we probably would not have known that Penn
State University holds a letter.


We are frustrated that we have by no means managed to track down all the
letters on the two lists of 'too lates' (1980; available on the VW CD-ROM,
Berg M43 (search for "Nigel")) and 'too too lates' (1984), compiled by Nigel
Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann.  For example, what happened to the letters
owned by Roger Fry's daughter, Pamela Diamand?


We realise that the minute the book goes to press, another letter or letters
will pop up, but we are seeking help from you, in the hope that there will
not be too many.


Stephen and Stuart


stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com <mailto:stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com> 

sbarkway at btinternet.com <mailto:sbarkway at btinternet.com> 


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