[Vwoolf] "The Hours" Gets Dressed for the Opera Stage--NY Times Sunday Styles

Neverow, Vara S. neverowv1 at southernct.edu
Sun Nov 27 14:12:22 EST 2022


A further take on the Met's The Hours—the costuming!

[https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/11/22/fashion/00HOURS-COSTUMES-COMBO/00HOURS-COSTUMES-COMBO-facebookJumbo.jpg__;!!KGKeukY!wZwKYwzKnizHAmD3a2KdE4Sw-kT_aNePNb7RU5ZkuLKVyR0SqCW0SqDMLm03yM7uGYB3rO6yP9J-lInOcwdMTcaxsA1H$ ]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/24/style/the-hours-met-opera-costumes.html__;!!KGKeukY!wZwKYwzKnizHAmD3a2KdE4Sw-kT_aNePNb7RU5ZkuLKVyR0SqCW0SqDMLm03yM7uGYB3rO6yP9J-lInOcwdMTSpzNgCc$ >
Costuming ‘The Hours’ at the Met: Vintage Wallpaper and ’90s Calvin Klein - The New York Times<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/24/style/the-hours-met-opera-costumes.html__;!!KGKeukY!wZwKYwzKnizHAmD3a2KdE4Sw-kT_aNePNb7RU5ZkuLKVyR0SqCW0SqDMLm03yM7uGYB3rO6yP9J-lInOcwdMTSpzNgCc$ >
While creating the costumes for a new opera adaptation of “The Hours,” a designer found inspiration in archival wallpaper, an English farmhouse and 1990s Calvin Klein.
In the print version of the article, the dresses are sequenced vertically and organized chronologically (Virginia Woolf's red, reddish-purple, and black dress with roses; Laura Brown's turquoise dress with pink and blue floral details; and Clarissa Vaughan's off-white jacket and skirt with a brownish/purplish belt).

The costume designer indicates that he focused on the style of the roses he had decided to use for both Virginia's and Laura's dresses.

Worth a read, I think.


Vara Neverow
Professor, English Department
Editor, Virginia Woolf Miscellany
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515
neverowv1 at southernct.edu

I acknowledge that Southern Connecticut State University was built on traditional territory of the indigenous peoples and nations of the Paugussett and Quinnipiac peoples.

Recent Publications:

Lead editor, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Kathryn Simpson, and Gill Lowe); Editor, Volume One, 1975-1984, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020); Co-editor, The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Global Literature (Edinburgh, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Paulina Pająk, Catherine Hollis, and Celiese Lypka)

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