[Vwoolf] Woolf and Queenie Roth (later Leavis)

Peter D L Stansky stansky at stanford.edu
Sun May 29 17:52:34 EDT 2022

A lot is known about her audience although I can’t remember whether Q.D.Leavis is mentioned in the various discussions I’ve read. I think it very unlikely that she wasn’t in the audience if she were a Girton undergraduate at the time. The Girton archives might have relevant information.
I write a bit about it all and the audiences (which VW rather insulted by her assumption that they at best were likely to become school teachers while they had individuals who went on to very distinguished academic careers, perhaps Queenie as well) in my Julian Bell: From Bloomsbury to the Spanish Civil War. I can’t believe that Hermione Lee doesn’t write about it in her biography—the best one—but perhaps other biographers do as well. The mss of the book is at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and S.P. Rosenbaum published an edition of it in which I presume he discusses the audience although I can’t remember off hand if he does.

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From: Michael Gorra via Vwoolf<mailto:vwoolf at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2022 12:15 PM
To: vwoolf at lists.osu.edu<mailto:vwoolf at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [Vwoolf] Woolf and Queenie Roth (later Leavis)

What is known about the audience to whom Woolf delivered the lectures that became A Room of One's Own? I know that they were at Girton and Newnham in fall 1928, but that's about it.  I ask because I'm wondering it was possible that
What is known about the audience to whom Woolf delivered the lectures that became A Room of One's Own? I know that they were at Girton and Newnham in fall 1928, but that's about it.  I ask because I'm wondering it was possible that Queenie Roth--Q.D. Leavis a few years later--was in the audience.  She'd finished her undergraduate work at Girton that spring but since she stuck around for a Ph.D....It would be a wonderful irony if she had been given the Leavises later hostility to Woolf, and of course Fiction and the Reading Public (1932) contains just the mass of information that Woolf encouraged students to collect.

with thanks,


Michael Gorra
Mary Augusta Jordan Professor of English
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

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