[Somean] So Mean location, Slack channel and VaLP this week.

Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu
Mon Aug 23 09:48:21 EDT 2021

Hello beloved So Meaners!

I hope that you had a lovely and stress-free summer, even though that’s a bit of a tall order these days. I’m looking forward to seeing your shining faces again in any case.

The plan for this year was to have a hybrid situation for So Mean. With the current Covid situation, the math on those plans have changed a bit, so we’ll have to figure out as we go. We have both a Zoom link and a claim on Oxley 122, which has been fitted with a fancy new HEPA air filter. My house is back in lockdown for the moment, so we’ll definitely have a Zoom component every week. If anyone would like to gather in Oxley 122 and connect using the fancy Zoom possibilities in there, let me know and we can get that going.

I’ve also created a Slack space, with a channel for So Mean chat. If you haven’t used Slack, it’s a chat system like discord that allows for synchronous or asynchronous text exchanges. I thought it might be a step up from the Zoom chat for us, since it can be used off Zoom, will maintain messages post-meetings, and has threading. If you’d like to try it, create or connect an account with this link: https://join.slack.com/t/kbckworkspace/shared_invite/zt-uqrniedu-ghnKMvDweHorNoPc1pgLew and join the channel #somean-chat. Feel free to also join the other open channels. I particularly recommend #pet-pictures.

Also, be aware that this week is the Variation and Language Processing conference, hosted by our own Nicolai Pharao, founding member of So Mean. It starts Wednesday, in Copenhagen and online. I’ll be giving a talk Friday morning before our meeting. More info here: https://nors.ku.dk/english/calendar/2021/5th-variation-and-language-processing-conference/

Hope to see you all Friday!


From: Somean <somean-bounces+campbell-kibler.1=osu.edu at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn via Somean <somean at lists.osu.edu>
Date: Monday, August 23, 2021 at 9:28 AM
To: lingosu at lists.ohio-state.edu <lingosu at lists.ohio-state.edu>, somean at ling.osu.edu <somean at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [Somean] So Mean discussion group
The Sociolinguistic Meaning (So Mean) discussion group will meet this semester Fridays 10:30-noon, online (Zoom info below) and in Oxley 122. The group explores research in sociolinguistics and related fields having to do with the construction and use of socioindexical meanings in language. Workshopping work in progress, dry runs for talks, discussions of journal articles and general discussion of relevant topics are all welcome. Students attending regularly should sign up for the associated course LING 7890.11. Students signed up for 1 credit are expected to attend and participate regularly. Students signed up for 2 credits are additionally expected to present or lead discussion at least once. Occasional members and drop-ins are always welcome. Topics and presenters will be announced weekly on the So Mean mailing list and listed on the webpage, which also has information on joining the email list: http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/research/groups/somean/

This Friday’s meeting will be start with a planning session, held on Zoom. If you are unable to attend this week but plan to attend regularly, please feel free to email me to claim a presentation day or suggest discussion topics for the semester. Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/92375744093?pwd=Z1J3c0s2aTdEbHdjOU0xdXZHT1ovZz09

Hope to see you there!


Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Ohio State University
campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu<mailto:campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu>

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