[ΦTΣ] Request for information about Robert Decareau by his daughter

Kathryn L. Kotula klkotula at msn.com
Mon Jan 18 09:37:40 EST 2021

Good morning,

  I received this message from Maria Decareau Petit:

"Hello! Just wondering if you have any photos or comments, etc from my father, Robert (Bob) Decareau. He achieved his BS, Masters and PhD from UMass Amherst in Chemistry and Food Technology.

He was part of the Phi Tau Sigma organization. He passed away in 2009. Helped to invent the microwave oven when he worked at Raytheon.  He was 42 when I was born and that coupled with more than a decade of Alzheimer's, I really didn't have many adult years with him to discuss his schooling, Navy and Army services. I do remember going thru numerous testings (and eatings) of some of his microwave projects. He consulted with Weight Watchers (microwave pizza), Ore Ida (french fries) and Orville Redenbacher (popcorn). Also part of IMPI - International Microwave Power Institute.  Are you able to help me put some of his college information (pieces in the puzzle of his life) at all?

Thank you , Maria"

  Please respond directly to Maria: maria.petit68 at yahoo.com<mailto:maria.petit68 at yahoo.com>, with "Response about Robert Decareau" or similar wording in the subject line.  (Please copy me at: klkotula at msn.com<mailto:klkotula at msn.com>.)



Phi Tau Sigma Executive Director and Newsletter Editor
Phi Tau Sigma * The Honor Society of Food Science and Technology

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