[ΦTΣ] Phi Tau Sigma at SHIFT20

Lee, Ken lee.133 at osu.edu
Thu Jul 16 09:20:20 EDT 2020

Hello Phi Tau Sigma members:
Congratulations to all who participated in this week's IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo, this year called SHIFT20. We remain impressed by the 80+ turnout at the Phi Tau Sigma awards ceremony<https://shift20.iftevent.org/posts/phi-tau-sigma-awards?channel_id=2951-hall-of-honor> that raises the stature of the food science profession with the outstanding credentials of the student scholarship award winners and career achievements of professional members. Our thanks to our elected leadership for exemplary service, communication and scholarly advancement. Many noticed the live symposia featured a spontaneous conversation among those in the room, something we are unable to achieve during a face to face meeting. The SHIFT20 scientific presentations remain online for a year so if you were registered you might continue the conversation. Those who missed it can still register and gain full access to these cutting edge events. Thank you for your sustained interest in elevating food science and technology by way of our honorary society.
Happy National Corn Fritters Day -Ken
Zoom send me the time use this link:https://osu.zoom.us/my/kenlee
Professor Ken Lee | Calendar http://go.osu.edu/lee  | CCall: 712.775.7300 510713# | 614.292.7797
Director for OSU Food Innovation <http://fic.osu.edu/> |Improving global life quality by inspiring sustainable multidisciplinary food solutions.
Professor of OSUFS&T:<http://fst.osu.edu/> We inspire minds to improve food and impact the world with food science & technology.
Board of Director IFT:<http://ift.org/> A world where science and innovation are universally accepted as essential to a safe, nutritious, delicious, secure and sustainable food supply for everyone.

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