[OOD-users] Job Composer

Rodgers, Morgan E. mrodgers at osc.edu
Mon Jan 7 16:58:15 EST 2019


Thanks for the thoughts; there's a lot in here, but one thing that I'm able to respond to immediately is your 3rd question about system "templates". Starting in version 1.4 we are going to offer an optional whitelist which will prevent users from accessing non-whitelisted directories from certain apps including the Job Composer.

Also in general we would love to see these sorts of questions move to https://discourse.osc.edu/ because that would improve discoverability for newcomers to the project.

From: OOD-users <ood-users-bounces+mrodgers=osc.edu at lists.osc.edu> on behalf of Dan Dietz via OOD-users <ood-users at lists.osc.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 4:34:09 PM
To: ood-users at lists.osc.edu
Subject: [OOD-users] Job Composer

I've started setting up templates in the Job Composer and have ran across a few thoughts/requests.

- Can we do links/markup in the template notes? I'm copying examples from our user docs and attempting to cross-link things.

- Tutorial mode: I like the joyride functionality you get on first go - is there a way to integrate this into templates? Tutorial templates would be super slick.

- Can edit system templates? When looking at the system templates it lets me navigate into /var. Of course I can't actually edit anything but potentially a confusion point. Also, if I click "Open in Terminal" it launches a terminal on the cluster front-end and tries to cd to where the OOD /var files that don't exist there.

- Can you modify the job options dialog? Like set nodes, ppn, and walltime and replace account with queue? Or remove the Cluster dropdown (we will deploy one instance per cluster).

- Can we do templating in the templates? For example, I'm putting ppn=20 in every single template... it'd be slick to set 20 to a variable so I don't need to edit a bunch.

None of these deal breakers by any stretch, just things I've been thinking about while messing around.


Dan Dietz
Senior Scientific Applications Analyst
ITaP Research Computing, Purdue University
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