[OOD-users] Job Composer

Dan Dietz ddietz at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 7 16:34:09 EST 2019

I've started setting up templates in the Job Composer and have ran across a
few thoughts/requests.

- Can we do links/markup in the template notes? I'm copying examples from
our user docs and attempting to cross-link things.

- Tutorial mode: I like the joyride functionality you get on first go - is
there a way to integrate this into templates? Tutorial templates would be
super slick.

- Can edit system templates? When looking at the system templates it lets
me navigate into /var. Of course I can't actually edit anything but
potentially a confusion point. Also, if I click "Open in Terminal" it
launches a terminal on the cluster front-end and tries to cd to where the
OOD /var files that don't exist there.

- Can you modify the job options dialog? Like set nodes, ppn, and walltime
and replace account with queue? Or remove the Cluster dropdown (we will
deploy one instance per cluster).

- Can we do templating in the templates? For example, I'm putting ppn=20 in
every single template... it'd be slick to set 20 to a variable so I don't
need to edit a bunch.

None of these deal breakers by any stretch, just things I've been thinking
about while messing around.


Dan Dietz
Senior Scientific Applications Analyst
ITaP Research Computing, Purdue University
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