[OOD-users] Jupyter App -- satisfy password request && database connection error

E.M. Dragowsky dragowsky at case.edu
Fri Sep 28 16:25:08 EDT 2018

Hi, everyone --

My Jupyter development app is now configured and functional, such that the
app launches and connects to the compute node I have provisioned with
TurboVNC and websockify (still testing).

Being after 4pm local time, I have two problems that are preventing the
actual connection.
--  After launching a session, a "Connect to Jupyter" button is presented.
After clicking through, I don't know how to satisfy the password request in
the browser window. Post connection documentation doesn't make enough sense
to me.

--  Perhaps related to my failed password attempts, I'm now also
experiencing a database connection error preventing any further evaluation:

sbatch: error: slurm_persist_conn_open_without_init: failed to open
persistant connection to smaster:6819: Connection refused
sbatch: error: slurmdbd: Sending PersistInit msg: Connection refused
sbatch: error: slurm_persist_conn_open_without_init: failed to open
persistant connection to smaster:6819: Connection refused
sbatch: error: slurmdbd: Sending PersistInit msg: Connection refused
sbatch: error: slurmdbd: DBD_GET_CLUSTERS failure: Connection refused
sbatch: error: Problem talking to database
sbatch: error: There is a problem talking to the database: Connection
refused.  Only local cluster communication is available, remove
--cluster from your command line or contact your admin to resolve the

smaster is the name of my cluster, and we're using slurm.

Thanks in advance
~ Emily

E.M. Dragowsky, Ph.D.
Research Computing -- UTech
Case Western Reserve University
(216) 368-0082
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