[OOD-users] OOD web portal issue

Tom Wood twood at x-iss.com
Wed Jun 27 09:25:45 EDT 2018

Good Morning,

We have setup an OOD web portal with version 1.3 and we ran into an unusual issue.  When I log into the OOD web portal I receive the following message within the web browser:

Error -- sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

I thought this was strange but for testing I went ahead and changed to sudoers file with the following:
Defaults    !requiretty

After logging into the OOD web portal again I received the following message within the web browser:

Error --
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

For testing I went ahead and added the apache user account to the sudoers file with the following:
apache ALL=(ALL)        NOPASSWD: ALL

After added that the OOD web portal comes up fine and works without issue an no other messages like this.

Any idea on what the apache user account is trying to do that requires sudo access or what I can do to resolve it so apache doesn't have to be added to the sudoers file?

Let me know if you need any specific detials from me.

Tom Wood
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