[OOD-users] setup questions

Anderson, Richard O - (ric) ric at email.arizona.edu
Wed Jun 7 17:43:21 EDT 2017

I walked thru the steps (skipping SSL and LDAP for now) to get OOD up on a test server.  Directory listings work as expected, as do logins and (if you run Chrome) the ssh tool - wish that worked in Safari, but…

I get this error trying to show Active Jobs (either "Your Jobs", or "All Jobs").  The error is
  DataTables Warning: table id=job_status_table - Ajax error.  For more
  information about this error, please see http://datatables.net

Since there's a metric ton of stuff in the queue according to qstat (none of it mine, BTW), I'd expect "All jobs" to show me something.  My guess is the PBS query is failing, but I'm not sure how to tell where or why.

You can submit jobs from the host running the web service, as well as run qstat.  I didn't see anything helpful in /var/log/httpd24/error_log

Thanks for any ideas,
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