[Ohiogift] EdConnection: Upcoming licensure deadlines, Fiscal Year 2022 EMIS changes and more

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Jun 7 17:00:10 EDT 2021

 Everyone: The ODE today issued several news stories and announcements on deadlines. Important items are highlighted in yellow, below:

 6/7 EdConnection: Upcoming licensure deadlines, Fiscal Year 2022 EMIS changes and more stories!#yiv0116413876 #yiv0116413876 div {line-height:1;}#yiv0116413876 body, #yiv0116413876 table, #yiv0116413876 td, #yiv0116413876 p, #yiv0116413876 a, #yiv0116413876 li, #yiv0116413876 blockquote {}#yiv0116413876 body {}#yiv0116413876 table {border-spacing:0;}#yiv0116413876 table, #yiv0116413876 td {}#yiv0116413876 img {}#yiv0116413876 body {margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv0116413876 img {border:none !important;height:auto;line-height:1;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0116413876 table td {border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876preheader {display:none !important;visibility:hidden;color:transparent;min-height:0;width:0;}#yiv0116413876 #yiv0116413876 a .filtered99999 {color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876gd_combo_text_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876gd_combo_image_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv0116413876 #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo body, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876gd_p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo p span, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo li, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo li span {line-height:1.4;}#yiv0116413876 #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876ExternalClass p, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876ExternalClass span, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876ExternalClass font, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876ExternalClass td{line-height:100%;}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo table {position:relative;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876govd_header {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876govd_hr img, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876govd_hr_inner img {display:none !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo img {max-width:400px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876govd_template_image {height:auto !important;max-width:100% !important;width:auto !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo table.yiv0116413876gd_combo_table .yiv0116413876govd_template_image {margin:0 auto 10px auto !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;text-align:center;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo table.yiv0116413876gd_combo_table td.yiv0116413876gd_combo_image_cell .yiv0116413876govd_template_image {margin:0 !important;text-align:left;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876main-header .yiv0116413876govd_template_image {max-width:480px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876govd_content_container .yiv0116413876govd_image_display {margin-left:0 !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876container-fill, #yiv0116413876 table.yiv0116413876gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv0116413876 table.yiv0116413876gd_tbl_wrap table {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876main-table, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876mobile-footer, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876mobile-tagline, #yiv0116413876 table.yiv0116413876gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv0116413876 table.yiv0116413876gd_tbl_wrap table {width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;max-width:480px !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876tablecell, #yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876tablecell {width:100% !important;display:block !important;max-width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo p span, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo .yiv0116413876gd_p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo li {font-size:13pt !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876view-in-browser p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876view-in-browser p span, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876view-in-browser .yiv0116413876gd_p, #yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876view-in-browser li {font-size:8pt !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo h1 {font-size:18pt !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo h2 {font-size:16pt !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo h3 {font-size:14pt !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876main-body .yiv0116413876govd_hr {background:transparent none !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876mobile-hide {display:none !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876mobile-padding {padding:0 !important;}#yiv0116413876 .yiv0116413876mobile-columns {padding:10px 20px !important;}#yiv0116413876 table#yiv0116413876yahoo #yiv0116413876main-header p {font-size:9pt !important;}} 
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| June 7, 2021
Licensure renewal flexibility ends July 1 
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Ohio law, the Ohio Department of Education extended the renewal deadline for licenses and permits previously set to expire July 1, 2020. Those licenses and permits will remain valid until July 1, 2021. Educators should renew their credentials before the extension ends.   |
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Nonrenewable temporary licenses expire July 1
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department received authority to issue nonrenewable, one-year temporary licenses to applicants who met all other qualifications for licensure but were unable to complete their required licensure examinations. Candidates should make arrangements to take their licensure exams now to obtain standard or alternative licenses before their temporary licenses expire on July 1. |

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Resources available for the Emergency Connectivity Fund
The Emergency Connectivity Fund exists to help students, schools and libraries that lack access to the internet or technology to support remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools and libraries can learn more about the program on the Federal Communications Commission website or Ohio’s Emergency Connectivity Fund resource site. |

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Self-Report on Identification and Services for Students Who Are Gifted due Aug. 27
The annual Self-Report on Identification and Services for Students Who Are Gifted is due Aug. 27. Districts that cannot meet this deadline may contact the Department to establish a new timeframe. |

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Fiscal Year 2022 EMIS changes open for public comment 
EMIS users now can review and provide comment on new or updated EMIS guidelines. Current proposed changes to the guidelines address homeschool data reporting, Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan codes, computer science subject codes, career-technical education student program codes and Ohio Graduation Tests references. |

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WebXam test calendar revised for 2020-2021 school year 
The Department and WebXam are pleased to announce the WebXam testing calendar has been revised for the 2020-2021 school year. Several deadlines have been further extended to provide flexibility for districts. |

Teachers, curriculum directors, counselors, other professionals
Video series featuring Dr. Bruce Perry discusses stress, trauma and the brainInspirED virtual learning series: Honoring families through the lens of Universal Design Learning 
Deadlines and dates

Approaching deadlines or important dates mentioned in previous editions of EdConnection.
   - 6/9 | Register for the 2021 Teacher Leadership Summit
   - 6/11 | Attend new Secure Data Center Tool webinar 
   - 6/11 | Submit emergency medical waiver applications for assessments 
   - 6/11 | WebXam post-testing window closes 
   - 6/14 | Submit public comment on rules related to school meal programs 
   - 6/15 | Early registration ends for OCALICONLINE 2021 
   - 6/18 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment data appeal window closes 
   - 6/18 | Apply to serve on the Gifted Advisory Council 
   - 6/23 | Register for INFOhio’s Instructional Materials Matter conference 
   - 6/25 | Deadline to upload WebXam Course Grades 
   - 6/30 | Apply to join the Teacher Leader Liaison Network 
   - 6/30 | Apply for Agriculture Education Fifth Quarter Grant 
   - 7/1 | Nonrenewable temporary licenses expire 
   - 7/9 | WebXam end-of-year reporting due 
   - 7/28 | Register for Career Connections Conference 
   - 7/30 | Submit K-12 Prevention Education Initiative Final Report 
   - 7/31 | Submit profile for 21st Century Community Learning Center External Partnership Listing 
   - 8/6 | Restraint and seclusion data collection window closes 

| Does EdConnection fulfill your information needs? Please send any comments or suggestions to the editor. Stay connected with the Ohio Department of Education on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. See our latest news, events and share with friends. Click on the icons below to follow and engage with us! |




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| Via Art Snyder
artsnyder44 at cs.com

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