[Ohiogift] EdConnection: Educator licensure updates posted, redesigns to OH|ID portal, and more stories!

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Jul 27 16:01:06 EDT 2020

Everyone: News today from the Ohio Department of Education focuses on important educator licensure updates, redesigns to the OH|ID portal, and more; promised updates specifically on gifted ed are still not available, however. The latest ODE news:

 7/27 EdConnection: Educator licensure updates posted, redesigns to OH|ID portal, and more stories!#yiv6596818174 #yiv6596818174 div {line-height:1;}#yiv6596818174 body, #yiv6596818174 table, #yiv6596818174 td, #yiv6596818174 p, #yiv6596818174 a, #yiv6596818174 li, #yiv6596818174 blockquote {}#yiv6596818174 body {}#yiv6596818174 table {border-spacing:0;}#yiv6596818174 table, #yiv6596818174 td {}#yiv6596818174 img {}#yiv6596818174 body {margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv6596818174 img {border:none !important;height:auto;line-height:1;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6596818174 table td {border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174preheader {display:none !important;visibility:hidden;color:transparent;min-height:0;width:0;}#yiv6596818174 #yiv6596818174 a .filtered99999 {color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174gd_combo_text_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174gd_combo_image_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv6596818174 #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo body, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174gd_p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo p span, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo li, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo li span {line-height:1.4;}#yiv6596818174 #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174ExternalClass p, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174ExternalClass span, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174ExternalClass font, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174ExternalClass td{line-height:100%;}@media only screen and ( _filtered_a ) {#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo table {position:relative;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174govd_header {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174govd_hr img, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174govd_hr_inner img {display:none !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo img {max-width:400px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174govd_template_image {height:auto !important;max-width:100% !important;width:auto !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo table.yiv6596818174gd_combo_table .yiv6596818174govd_template_image {margin:0 auto 10px auto !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;text-align:center;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo table.yiv6596818174gd_combo_table td.yiv6596818174gd_combo_image_cell .yiv6596818174govd_template_image {margin:0 !important;text-align:left;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174main-header .yiv6596818174govd_template_image {max-width:480px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174govd_content_container .yiv6596818174govd_image_display {margin-left:0 !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174container-fill, #yiv6596818174 table.yiv6596818174gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv6596818174 table.yiv6596818174gd_tbl_wrap table {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174main-table, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174mobile-footer, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174mobile-tagline, #yiv6596818174 table.yiv6596818174gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv6596818174 table.yiv6596818174gd_tbl_wrap table {width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;max-width:480px !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174tablecell, #yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174tablecell {width:100% !important;display:block !important;max-width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo p span, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo .yiv6596818174gd_p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo li {font-size:13pt !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174view-in-browser p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174view-in-browser p span, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174view-in-browser .yiv6596818174gd_p, #yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174view-in-browser li {font-size:8pt !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo h1 {font-size:18pt !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo h2 {font-size:16pt !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo h3 {font-size:14pt !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174main-body .yiv6596818174govd_hr {background:transparent none !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174mobile-hide {display:none !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174mobile-padding {padding:0 !important;}#yiv6596818174 .yiv6596818174mobile-columns {padding:10px 20px !important;}#yiv6596818174 table#yiv6596818174yahoo #yiv6596818174main-header p {font-size:9pt !important;}} 
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| July 27, 2020
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Important updates regarding educator licensure posted to Reset and Restart webpage
In a continuing effort to provide updated information and resources to Ohio’s education community, the Ohio Department of Education has posted new resources and information about changes to the educator licensure process that allow more flexibility in light of concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19). |
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Redesigned OH|ID portal improves user experience and account security
The OH|ID portal, used to access applications such as Educator Licensure and Records (CORE), the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS) and Learning Management System (LMS), has been redesigned to offer more modern features and enhanced account security options. |

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Watch live: 2021 Ohio Teacher of the Year finalists to be revealed
Tune into a live event on July 31 to watch as the four finalists for the Ohio Teacher of the Year honor are revealed and meet Ohio’s 2021 regional State Board of Education District Teachers of the Year. |

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Johns Hopkins University, Ohio Department of Education host learning session on high school redesign and remote learning
On Aug. 6 from 1-2:30 p.m., superintendents, chief academic officers and education leaders, especially those who are drafting remote learning plans, are invited to join Johns Hopkins University and the Department for a live, virtual learning session called Using Evidence Based Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes: Learnings from the Cross-State High School Redesign Collaborative to Inform Remote Learning Plans. |

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Rescheduled: Nonpublic equitable services training for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds
The virtual nonpublic equitable services training for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) originally scheduled for July 28 has been rescheduled for Aug. 4. Those who registered for the July 28 session and wish to attend the Aug. 4 session will need to register for the new session. |

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There’s still time to complete the 2020 U.S. census
Households that haven’t already done so still can respond to the 2020 U.S. census now by completing and mailing back the paper questionnaires they received or by responding online or by phone. Census workers soon will begin visiting households that do not respond to conduct follow-up interviews to collect census information. |

Deadlines and dates
Approaching deadlines or important dates mentioned in previous editions of EdConnection.
   - 7/28-7/31 | Register for PBL Ohio Institute and Preconference
   - 7/31 | Last day for students to build their college lists to qualify for College Board Opportunity Scholarships
   - 7/31 | Restraint and seclusion data collection concludes
   - 7/31 | Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities public comment closes
   - 8/3-8/10 | Register for Sebring Trauma-Skilled Educators Institute
   - 8/6 | Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS) testing window opens
   - 8/14-8/28 | Register for the Orientation for Nurses New to Ohio Schools
   - 8/21 | Deadline to submit Remote Learning Plans
   - 8/31 | Ohio Seal of Biliteracy world language proficiency testing window for seniors closes
   - 9/15 | District ACT or SAT selections due
   - 9/22 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 9/23 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up
   - 10/4-10/11 | Register for the Ohio Council for the Social Studies annual conference
   - 10/6 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 10/14 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up
   - 10/22 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored ACT testing make-up
   - 10/28 | Spring 2020 state-sponsored SAT testing make-up (subject to change)

| Does EdConnection fulfill your information needs? Please send any comments or suggestions to the editor. Stay connected with the Ohio Department of Education on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. See our latest news, events and share with friends. Click on the icons below to follow and engage with us! |




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