[Ohiogift] Update - EdConnection: Reset and Restart resources updated and more stories!

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Jul 13 23:32:38 EDT 2020

Below is the latest update from the Ohio Department of Education on the Reset and Restart strategy for the upcoming school year, as well as distance and blended learning news:

 7/13 EdConnection: Reset and Restart resources updated and more stories!#yiv9052577431 div {line-height:1;}#yiv9052577431 body, #yiv9052577431 table, #yiv9052577431 td, #yiv9052577431 p, #yiv9052577431 a, #yiv9052577431 li, #yiv9052577431 blockquote {}#yiv9052577431 body {}#yiv9052577431 table {border-spacing:0;}#yiv9052577431 table, #yiv9052577431 td {}#yiv9052577431 img {}#yiv9052577431 body {margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv9052577431 img {border:none !important;height:auto;line-height:1;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9052577431 table td {border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431preheader {display:none !important;visibility:hidden;color:transparent;min-height:0;width:0;}#yiv9052577431 a .yiv9052577431filtered99999 {color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431gd_combo_text_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431gd_combo_image_cell {padding:10px !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo body, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431gd_p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo p span, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo li, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo li span {line-height:1.4;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431ExternalClass p, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431ExternalClass span, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431ExternalClass font, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431ExternalClass td{line-height:100%;}@media only screen and () {#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo table {position:relative;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431govd_header {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431govd_hr img, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431govd_hr_inner img {display:none !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo img {max-width:400px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431govd_template_image {height:auto !important;max-width:100% !important;width:auto !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo table.yiv9052577431gd_combo_table .yiv9052577431govd_template_image {margin:0 auto 10px auto !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;text-align:center;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo table.yiv9052577431gd_combo_table td.yiv9052577431gd_combo_image_cell .yiv9052577431govd_template_image {margin:0 !important;text-align:left;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431main-header .yiv9052577431govd_template_image {max-width:480px !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431govd_content_container .yiv9052577431govd_image_display {margin-left:0 !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431container-fill, #yiv9052577431 table.yiv9052577431gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv9052577431 table.yiv9052577431gd_tbl_wrap table {max-width:480px !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431main-table, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431mobile-footer, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431mobile-tagline, #yiv9052577431 table.yiv9052577431gd_tbl_wrap, #yiv9052577431 table.yiv9052577431gd_tbl_wrap table {width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;max-width:480px !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431tablecell, #yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431tablecell {width:100% !important;display:block !important;max-width:100% !important;min-width:100% !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo p span, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo .yiv9052577431gd_p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo li {font-size:13pt !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431view-in-browser p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431view-in-browser p span, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431view-in-browser .yiv9052577431gd_p, #yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431view-in-browser li {font-size:8pt !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo h1 {font-size:18pt !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo h2 {font-size:16pt !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo h3 {font-size:14pt !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431main-body .yiv9052577431govd_hr {background:transparent none !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431mobile-hide {display:none !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431mobile-padding {padding:0 !important;}#yiv9052577431 .yiv9052577431mobile-columns {padding:10px 20px !important;}#yiv9052577431 table#yiv9052577431yahoo #yiv9052577431main-header p {font-size:9pt !important;}} 
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| July 13, 2020
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Reset and Restart website offers tools and resources
Recently, Governor DeWine announced publication of the Reset and Restart Education Planning Guide for Ohio Schools and Districts. The planning guide is part of a larger collection of information and resources that can be found on the Ohio Department of Education’s Reset and Restart webpage. |
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New information about blended learning declarations and remote learning plans 
Schools now have the option to consider remote learning plans as they prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. The Department has posted information about the difference between blended learning declarations and remote learning plans, and extended the submission deadlines for both. |

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District ACT or SAT selection for spring 2021 begins Aug. 17
On Aug. 17, each school district will receive a survey link to declare which state-sponsored college and career readiness test, the ACT or SAT, it will administer in spring 2021. The survey will close on Sept. 15. |

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Parent Teacher Association Town Hall with Superintendent DeMaria focuses on school reopening
On July 15, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria will participate in an Ohio PTA Town Hall meeting to discuss the reopening of Ohio’s schools. Educators and families are invited to join the conversation. |

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Reset and Restart information for career-technical education now available 
Supplemental information to help schools plan their career-technical education programs in the 2020-2021 school year is now available on the Department’s website. |

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Dispute resolution services available
While many districts and parents can resolve issues related to a student’s educational recovery services independently, the Office for Exceptional Children would like to remind families and schools that there are multiple dispute resolution options available to help resolve issues related to educational services. |

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Report career-technical EMIS data as early as possible
To guarantee students receive postsecondary transfer credit for their qualified career-technical education courses, districts must report course and technical assessment data in EMIS. Reporting this data as early as possible allows for timely and accurate advising of students enrolling in Ohio public postsecondary institutions in autumn.   |

Superintendents, principals, treasurers, other administrators
Tutors available through Ohio Reading Corps and Ohio Math CorpsRural Tech Project challenges schools to improve distance learning, offers cash prize
Deadlines and dates
Approaching deadlines or important dates mentioned in previous editions of EdConnection.
   - 7/6-7/20 | Participate in the SuccessBound Summer Learning Series 
   - 7/14 | Register for the Ohio Department of Health Summer Conference for School Nurses  
   - 7/15 | Transportation Systems Standards public comment closes 
   - 7/19-7/23 | Apply to attend the Ohio Youth Leadership Forum 
   - 7/20 | Register for the Ohio Association of Student Leaders Virtual Summer Workshop 
   - 7/27 | Register for the Career Connections Conference 
   - 7/28-7/31 | Register for PBL Ohio Institute and Preconference 
   - 7/31 | Restraint and seclusion data collection concludes 
   - 7/31 | Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities public comment closes 
   - 8/3-8/10 | Register for Sebring Trauma-Skilled Educators Institute 
   - 8/14-8/28 | Register for the Orientation for Nurses New to Ohio Schools 
   - 8/31 | Ohio Seal of Biliteracy world language proficiency testing window for seniors close

| Does EdConnection fulfill your information needs? Please send any comments or suggestions to the editor. Stay connected with the Ohio Department of Education on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. See our latest news, events and share with friends. Click on the icons below to follow and engage with us! |




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