[Ohiogift] ODE Social Studies Update

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Mon Mar 23 13:21:01 EDT 2020

 Everyone: The ODE newsletter below also can be valuable for all. Note the news (below, in purple) about them setting up a Resources website for teachers to use during these extraordinary times:

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| 03-23-2020 |
| Dear Ohio Social Studies Colleagues,COVID-19 has presented challenges in educating our youth in ways not previously seen or experienced. The Ohio Department of Education’s Social Studies Team wants to express support to all teachers during these uncertain times. With the constant changing of events, we understand how difficult circumstances are right now for teachers in the many roles you perform daily. Although ODE staff are currently working from home, we are still accessible via email. Please reach out to us at any time with questions or needs that you have. Additionally, we know that there is an immediate need for resources for home instruction of students and we are connecting with our national and state organizations to create an ODE webpage where teachers can easily access instructional materials and resources. We are trying to organize this as soon as possible and will send out an update once we have established a centralized location for teachers to access. Watch for additional updates in our Social Studies Signal newsletter.We are grateful for the outstanding work that Ohio social studies teachers do daily and want to confirm our support for you in the upcoming weeks. We have no idea what the future will hold. But we can do our best to prepare our students to face the future with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to persevere.Please take care of yourselves and know that we are here for you in any way we can be of service.Sincerely,Dwight Groce, dwight.groce at education.ohio.govLinda McKean, Linda.McKean at education.ohio.gov |

| Send comments/questions to: Office of Learning and Instructional StrategiesLinda McKean, Social Studies Consultant, linda.mckean at education.ohio.govDwight Groce, Social Studies Consultant, dwight.groce at education.ohio.govOhio Department of Education | 25 S. Front Street | Columbus, Ohio | 43215  |




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| This email was sent to artsnyder44 at cs.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Ohio Department of Education · 25 South Front Street, · Columbus, Ohio 43215 |  |

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