[Ohiogift] OAGC Advocacy Update - 3.2.208 - SB216 Deliberation Continues; HB512 Receives Proponent Testimony

Ann Sheldon anngift at aol.com
Fri Mar 2 10:31:02 EST 2018

SB216 – The Senate Education Committee received additional testimony and accepted a few more amendments to SB216 this week. The bill will receive another hearing on March 7th. The committee agenda indicates that it is up for a possible vote. As the General Assembly heads toward spring break, it is unlikely that the bill will be referred to a committee in the Ohio House before April. While most of the gifted-specific issues are resolved in the currently amended version of the bill, two outstanding issues remain: allowing superintendents to reassign teachers to teach out their grade and content licensure areas and the increase of the student sub-group N size increase.  
HB512 - The education/workforce development agency consolidation bill received proponent testimony this week in the House Government and Oversight Committee. The bill which would combine the department of higher education, workforce development, and the department of education, also would greatly decrease the authority of the state board of education and limit the voice of individuals on education policy.  All testimony can be viewed at the 2.27.18 link under documents at the following link: http://www.ohiohouse.gov/committee/government-accountability-and-oversight <http://www.ohiohouse.gov/committee/government-accountability-and-oversight> . When asked how the new mega-agency would be more effective, few witnesses could provide a substantive response. For gifted advocates, the most interesting testimony came from Tom Gunlock, former (appointed) member and president of the State Board of Education. Mr. Gunlock shared his frustrations of having “too many cooks” in the kitchen making education policy. He also spoke of the dis-function of the board. Asked for an example of dis-function, Mr. Gunlock referred to the gifted rule that took over two years to approve. (What Mr. Gunlock failed to mention that as president of the board overseeing that process, it was his decision to delay the rule so that another appointed member could be cleared by the Ohio Ethics Commission of potential conflicts of interest. His example serves more as a lesson to future governors to be careful in their board appointments to protect the board from dis-function.)
The OAGC governing board voted last week to oppose HB512. It is likely that most, if not all, education associations will do likewise. Even so, it is by no means certain that the bill will be defeated. It is important that gifted advocates be able to maintain a voice in developing education policy. Please consider writing or emailing your representative to voice your opposition to this bill. The main points are: 
·  The State Board of Education is the most effective point of access to citizens to be able to voice their opinion on any and all education issues. Severely limiting the board’s authority also effectively eliminates the voice of parents and other citizens. Will a single appointed cabinet member who will likely reside in a secured floor of the governor’s office be willing to listen to the average parent? It is unlikely.
·  Holding the governor accountable on education issues boils down to a vote for his or her re-election. To be honest, the vote for governor encompasses so much more than just education. It is not reasonable to be think that a once in every four-year vote will address an individual’s specific concerns about education issues.
·  There is no evidence that merging three large agencies will be more effective or more efficient. What is more likely is that a large, unwieldly department will be created with all the combined and newly created dis-functions of the current agencies.
As always, please be polite. Committee members genuinely need and want to hear from people. Here is the contact information for the members of the House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee: 
Rep. Louis Blessing III (R) – Chair and bill co-sponsor

rep29 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep29 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Bill Reineke (R) – Vice-chair and bill sponsor

rep88 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep88 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Tim Ginter (R)

rep05 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep05 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Dave Greenspan (R)

rep16 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep16 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Scott Lipps (R)

rep62 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep62 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Riordan McClain (R)

Rep87 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:Rep87 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Dorothy Pelanda (R)

rep86 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep86 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Bill Seitz (R)

rep30 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep30 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Ryan Smith (R) co-sponsor

rep93 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep93 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Kathleen Clyde (D) – ranking minority member

rep75 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep75 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Brigid Kelly (D)

rep31 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep31 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Bernadine Kent (D)

rep25 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep25 at ohiohouse.gov>	

Rep. Martin Sweeney (D)

rep14 at ohiohouse.gov <mailto:rep14 at ohiohouse.gov>	

 If you would be willing to testify in future hearings (either in person or through written testimony), please contact anngift at aol.com <mailto:anngift at aol.com> . The committee usually meets on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 pm though no hearing is scheduled for March 7th. 
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