[Ohiogift] Three groups recommend more attention to low-income high-achieving students

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Wed Dec 14 01:46:59 EST 2016


Below is a link to and excerpt from a blog post that appeared in Education Week this week. 

"Groups Urge Focus on High-Achieving, Low-Income Students Under ESSA"
By Andrew Ujifusa on December 13, 2016 8:30 AM for the Politics k-12 blog of Education Week

"Three prominent education advocacy organizations are urging states to make high-achieving, low-income students a priority by including student growth in their new accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act. 

In a Dec. 13 letter, the Center for American Progress, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute also urge governors and chief state school officers to recognize in their accountability systems those high schools that help students get college credit. Incorporating such measures into state accountability, the organizations argue, "will ensure that all kids count," including disadvantaged students who exceed expectations but still depend on schools to ensure they are recognized and allowed to thrive."

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