[Ohiogift] New ESSA regulastions give (some) credit for high achievers

Margaret DeLacy margaretdelacy at comcast.net
Thu Dec 1 00:01:55 EST 2016


Below is an excerpt from, and link to, a blog post from the Fordham Institute's "Gadfly,"
concerning new regulations about student accountability for the Every Student Succeeds Act.

On the copyediting front, I was suprised to find "mirabile dictu" and "incent" used as a verb in the same column. 



Mirabile dictu, the final regulations do just that:

Achievement indicator must include a measure of student performance at the proficient level against a State’s academic achievement standards, and may also include measures of student performance below or above the proficient level, so long as (1) a school receives less credit for the performance of a student that is not yet proficient than for the performance of a student at or above the proficient level; and (2) the credit a school receives for the performance of a more advanced student does not fully compensate for the performance of a student who is not yet proficient. (Emphasis added.)

Proficiency is still the central measure per the regulation, but now a state can incent its schools to focus on all kids. For example, states can create an achievement index that gives schools partial credit for getting students to a basic level, full credit for getting them to proficient, and extra credit when they attain the advanced level.

By gauging the performance of students at three or more achievement levels instead of just one, such models also better inform educators, administrators, policymakers, and parents so they can make sounder choices. The mother of a high achiever can know whether her child’s school is doing well by similarly able students. Teachers and principals can track the effectiveness of their curricula and pedagogical techniques. And state education officials get more complete and nuanced pictures of their schools that better aid their decisions, rules, and regulations.

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