[Ohiogift] Financial help for OAGC

Art Snyder artsnyder44 at cs.com
Tue Sep 22 15:47:38 EDT 2015

 With the busy holiday season on the horizon, maybe you can help the Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC). It's simple, fast, and free.
 Do this with all online shopping you do with Amazon.com. The program is entitled AmazonSmile. Amazon donates .5 per cent of each eligible sale you make to charity organizations, as with OAGC and it not-for-profit status. To find details, go here:
 ? https://smile.amazon.com/about/ref=smi_ge_ucl_lm_raas
 ? and here: 
 ? https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7442288.
 The information below the break summarizes the plan for OAGC. If you have overlooked or neglected this helpful sign-up, please delay no more. You can enroll in AmazonSmile in a minute. That's all it takes to designate OAGC as your chosen charity. Gifted education is the ultimate beneficiary, and that's a good we all share.
 Best wishes,
 Art Snyder
 artsnyder44 at cs.com
    Amazon Smile
  Did you know you could assist OAGC merely by ordering your Amazon goods? It's simple.? Just by making the following portal?http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7442288?your default for Amazon orders, Amazon will donate a small percentage to OAGC.

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