[Ohiogift] Summer opportunities, activities, resources

Gifted and Talented in Ohio Discussion List ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Wed Jun 25 12:00:27 EDT 2014


Many new list members missed my recent post about summer opportunities and activities for the gifted, so here are the links:

1. http://www.warrencountyesc.com/docs/Summer%20Opportunities%20for%20Gifted%202014.pdf 
 (Focus on southwest Ohio opportunities, camps, colleges, etc.)
 2. http://www.oagc.com/?q=summerops 
 (Links to all regions of Ohio)
 3. http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/summer.htm
 (Incredibly extensive list of resources)
 4. http://giftedkids.about.com/od/educationoptions/tp/gifted_camps.htm
 (Solid, basic pointers)
 5. http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=1103
 (Official NAGC recommendations and links)

Look and click around the sites (and read the downloadable Warren County ESC list) for advice for targeted groups, as with students, parents or educators.

Best wishes,
Art Snyder
artsnyder44 at cs.com

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