[Ohiogift] Summer opportunities, activities, resources

Gifted and Talented in Ohio Discussion List ohiogift at lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Fri Jun 20 11:25:30 EDT 2014

 With summer upon us, you likely would like to see what's available specifically for gifted students. Here are a few listings with links to get started:
 1. http://www.warrencountyesc.com/docs/Summer%20Opportunities%20for%20Gifted%202014.pdf 
 (focus on southwest Ohio opportunities, camps, colleges, etc.)
 2. http://www.oagc.com/?q=summerops 
 (links to all regions of Ohio)
 3. http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/summer.htm
 (incredibly extensive list of resources)
 4. http://giftedkids.about.com/od/educationoptions/tp/gifted_camps.htm
 (solid, basic pointers)
 5. http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=1103
 (official NAGC recommendations and links)
 No doubt you might have other suggestions for summer opportunities, so feel free to share them here on Ohiogift.
 Best wishes,
 Art Snyder
 artsnyder44 at cs.com

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