[Ohiogift] interviews???

Anne Flick anneflick at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 6 16:41:27 EDT 2013


To get the most topical issues covered by the greatest minds in gifted ed, you may instead consider attending NAGC's national convention, which is just next door this year in Indianapolis.  For $400-$800 registration fee (less than most courses' tuition) and 3-5 intense days, you walk away with a lot of knowledge and handouts and, likely, at least one direction to pursue for deeper independent study.

The CCSS continue to be the topic of the day, and NAGC (as well as OAGC's annual conference, for that matter) features multiple sessions on CCSS and gifted.

Just one idea...

>I would like to take a class this year that would prepare me for interviews since I have been away from the field for a couple of years. ... I need to be able to discuss the current trends in education, and more specifically, gifted education. Can anyone suggest a course? It would have to be in the NW quadrant of the state or online....or maybe something that meets weekends. Please let me know if you know of anything.
>Kathy Tarbet
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