[Ohiogift] interviews???

ktarbet at woh.rr.com ktarbet at woh.rr.com
Mon Jul 8 19:31:59 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I am an experienced teacher....well, very experienced (old?) who finds myself in the job market for a gifted position. I began working for my current district in a gifted position five years ago, but returned to the regular classroom when my position was eliminated. I have decided that I want to find a gifted position because I enjoyed my three years in this field so much. However, I am having a hard time preparing for interviews because the expectations are very different from times I have interviewed in the past. I have decided to spend the next year preparing for interviews. My question to you is what types of things should I prepare to bring to interviews to show the type of teacher I am? I feel that I am unprepared, yet don't know what to prepare to bring with me.


Kathy Tarbet

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