[Ohiogift] Gifted Schooling

Katie Thurston kthurston61 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 23:24:52 EDT 2013

The more I check in, the more inclined I am to think that an idea my
sister and I discussed in the past is worth resurrecting:  that of
starting a school for gifted children. It is daunting one, but the
more I ponder it, the more it seems a viable alternative to grappling
with the system already in place, and the politics that go with it.

My experience of the gifted education available locally is that much
is costly, or just non-existent. My son's school mailed his report
card home. It's riddled with "F"s... and while I'll assume some
responsibility, He and the school can shoulder the rest. On a larger
scale, society should as well. It seems most people appreciate the
inventions and innovations gifted minds bring to being, but like art,
while it's appreciated, precious few actually want to help fund it;
this is an unfortunate state of affairs.

Katie T.

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