[Ohiogift] How does / should the GIS "test for growth"

giftedtchr at aol.com giftedtchr at aol.com
Sat May 25 11:14:56 EDT 2013

Someone I know (a GIS), asked his/her administrators to consider 
clustering gifted students next year as one way to help affect academic 
growth in these students, and to try to avoid conflict with "specials" 
on the days he/she meets with gifted students. He/she received the 
following note and question (which has been paraphrased) from one of 
his/her administrators.  

If you received a similar note & question, how would you reply?  How 
should he/she reply?


Teachers at AnyName Elementary School are very aware of growth, using 
the new report card measures, and as we progress, we monitor all 
students multiple times each year.  Which brings me to the gifted 
program in our school. Are we still going to have gifted  intervention 
specialists pulling students out of the regular classrooms on a regular 
basis. If so, what measurements will you be able to show me with 
progress monitoring?

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