[Ohiogift] Early entrance to kindergarten assessment

June R. Allred-Smith jasmith at rpesd.org
Thu May 9 10:43:52 EDT 2013

Hello, All, I would like some feedback on how you handle early
kindergarten entrance assessments.  I am doing several of these each
spring, and actually they are not related to high ability.  These are
merely students who missed the birthday deadline by a few days or months,
and the parents want them assessed/enrolled in kindergarten so they do not
have to pay for preschool another year.

Are you experiencing the same situation?  If so, do you complete the IOWA
acceleration scale for these students, or do you complete a modified
assessment process?

Thank you for you response!

June Allred-Smith
Ross Pike ESC
475 Western Ave., Suite E
Chillicothe, OH  45601
Phone: 740/702-3120
Fax:  740/702-3123

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