[Ohiogift] Governor's virtual town hall meeting tomorrow at 6:00 pm .

anngift at aol.com anngift at aol.com
Wed Jan 30 09:44:12 EST 2013

Hi all, 

Another reminder about the governor's education virtual town hall tomorrow at 6:00 pm. You may submit questions on the governor's website at: http://www.kasichforohio.com/live/ . His meeting will be live streamed from this site. 

You may also submit questions at his facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich . The facebook page has already has been inundated by a number of questions/statements, mostly off-topic.  

Finally, you may pose a question on twitter by using the hash tag #ohedu

Here is the question, I submitted today on his website: 

"The governor has stated that "every kid deserves a fighting chance" and that zip code should not dictate whether a child receives an appropriate education. How will this apply to gifted children? Currently, more than 80% of gifted children are not provided services in Ohio. Services have been slashed over the past 4 years, and there are no alternatives for the vast majority of these children to seek an education outside their home district.  Shouldn't we be concerned as a state about the neglect of these students who if educated properly could help drive economic growth in Ohio?"

The more questions on the topic, the more likely the subject will be brought up. 

While I understand the governor's office is briefing some groups today and superintedents tomorrow.  No invitation has been been extended to the gifted community. 


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