[Ohiogift] History Classes

Will Fitzhugh fitzhugh at tcr.org
Mon Dec 10 10:03:44 EST 2012

The poor Rhodes Scholar probably doesn't even know we have History classes in our schools!

Won't someone please tell him?

Will Fitzhugh



Standards for English Class

Published: December 4, 2012

To the Editor of The New York Times:

For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT.

Re “What Should Children Read?” (Sunday Review, Nov. 25):

Sara Mosle wrote a thoughtful article about what students read and the Common Core Standards, but it does not make clear facts that demonstrate the central role of reading fiction in the standards.

First, the standards for the English Language Acquisition classroom keep the focus mostly on fiction, in which the study of Shakespeare is explicitly required, as well as novels, including classic American works. The change the standards make to the grades 6-to-12 E.L.A. classroom is to invite more literary nonfiction as defined in the standards, including essays, narrative nonfiction and other literary writing to a wide audience that makes an argument or conveys information.

Our country’s founding documents and the great conversation they inspired are offered as explicit models for high-quality literary nonfiction for the E.L.A. classroom.

To be absolutely clear, reading fiction retains a central role in the Common Core Standards in grades K to 12, and the primary role in English Language Arts for grades 6 to 12, where it is complemented by high-quality literary nonfiction.

New York, November 25, 2012

The writer, the president and chief executive of the College Board, helped design and promote the Common Core.

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