[OHIOBWG] Save-the-date! Merlin Tuttle, Father of Modern Bat Conservation, to speak in Bainbridge

Titchenell, Marne titchenell.4 at osu.edu
Mon Mar 20 12:53:21 EDT 2023

Exciting news from the Arc of Appalachia! See the press release below about a visit and education programs by Merlin Tuttle this April!

[The Ohio State University]
Marne A. Titchenell
Wildlife Program Specialist, OSU Extension
School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210

614-292-0402  Office
titchenell.4 at osu.edu<mailto:titchenell.4 at osu.edu>  u.osu.edu/wildside<https://u.osu.edu/wildside/>
woodlandstewards.osu.edu<https://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/>  senr.osu.edu<https://senr.osu.edu/>


March 8, 2023
Contact Information:
Arc of Appalachia
Nancy Stranahan (937)365-1489
nancyoftheforest at gmail.com<mailto:nancyoftheforest at gmail.com>

Bainbridge, OH - The nonprofit, Arc of Appalachia, is hosting the internationally- recognized author, photographer, conservationist, and bat researcher, Dr. Merlin Tuttle. Tuttle is coming to Bainbridge, Ohio to give two educational presentations for the public on Saturday, April 15, 2023: an afternoon program designed especially for youths, and an evening presentation for all ages.

Dr. Tuttle is an engaging speaker and transformative educator who is responsible for conserving many at-risk bat species across the planet. He has dedicated over 60 years of his life to studying, protecting, and successfully promoting a positive image of bats all over the world through his outstanding advocacy. Tuttle's program will showcase some of his most spectacular photos, demonstrating the mouth-dropping diversity of bats across the planet and the vital role they play in our world's natural communities. Tickets are on sale now for the program, which will be held at the historic Paxton Theatre in downtown Bainbridge, OH.

Dr. Tuttle's program coincides with the Arc of Appalachia's 16th annual Wildflower Pilgrimage event, a popular weekend-long public event that attracts over 150 participants and leads them to some of the finest wildflower destinations in not only Ohio, but in the Eastern United States. The Highlands Nature Sanctuary - the hub of the Pilgrimage - is the Arc's oldest and largest nature preserve. It is also home to the second densest cave region in our state, and is also the only place in Ohio where bats are still able to hibernate in natural limestone caves.

Although bats play an important role in our ecosystem, consuming thousands of crop-eating insect species each night, they are often misunderstood by the public. Habitat loss and purposeful damage to their hibernating, hunting, and roosting grounds have had devastating impacts on their population numbers. Cave bats, which are also highly susceptible to a deadly disease known as white-nose syndrome, have suffered the greatest losses. All six of Ohio's cave bat species are state-listed as species of concern or endangered. The loss of Ohio's bat species would have devastating consequences on the environment and the economy of our local agricultural communities, and thus the need for public education and engagement in bat conservation has never been greater.

"The Arc has long been a leading force in protecting Ohio's bats through conservation and education,"
says Nancy Stranahan, Director of the Arc of Appalachia. "We hope the youth and families of our local community and people from across Ohio will join us for this fun and informative opportunity to learn about the many merits of bats and ways to support bat conservation in our state."

Following the afternoon program, the Arc is hosting a free book signing and meet and greet with Dr. Tuttle at the nearby Appalachian Forest Museum. Participants are encouraged to purchase their books in advance.

Address: Paxton Theatre, 133 E Main St, Bainbridge, OH 45612
              Appalachian Forest Museum, 7660 Cave Road, Bainbridge, OH 45612

For more information,
Visit the Arc's website at www.arcofappalachia.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.arcofappalachia.org__;!!KGKeukY!zQvEoqEZLJ0RaL3jCb5yJI8srxNnL5UA2dJb26uZmC3wiXG6LLFXXDFvbUV06skT9IobBqzJPfgqwL9_H-PFjoIrYA$>
Register at: https://arcofappalachia.org/merlin-tuttle-presentation/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/arcofappalachia.org/merlin-tuttle-presentation/__;!!KGKeukY!zQvEoqEZLJ0RaL3jCb5yJI8srxNnL5UA2dJb26uZmC3wiXG6LLFXXDFvbUV06skT9IobBqzJPfgqwL9_H-M9udthWg$>
Visit the Wildflower Pilgrimage pages at: https://arcofappalachia.org/wildflower-pilgrimage/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/arcofappalachia.org/wildflower-pilgrimage/__;!!KGKeukY!zQvEoqEZLJ0RaL3jCb5yJI8srxNnL5UA2dJb26uZmC3wiXG6LLFXXDFvbUV06skT9IobBqzJPfgqwL9_H-N9-JEwyw$>

Photos: The attached photo is available in high resolution. Please credit it to Teresa Nichta, MerlinTuttle.org.

About the Arc of Appalachia: Founded in 1995, the Arc of Appalachia Preserve System is a non-profit organization dedicated to land preservation. Their work includes acquiring and stewarding wildlands in the Ohio region; creating sanctuaries where people can connect with the natural world; teaching about our forest heritage to inspire a global conservation ethic; and honoring our indigenous legacies. The Arc protects and manages more than 9,000 acres of nature preserves in 24 preserve regions in Appalachian Ohio.

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