[Mvapich-discuss] GDR CUDA 11.4 X86_64 RPMs

Pou, Dan daniel.pou at hpe.com
Fri Jan 28 13:20:26 EST 2022

I was curious about the sensitivity for MVAPICH2-GDR to MLNX OFED and
CUDA versions. I know that the base open source MVAPICH2 made efforts to
reduce dependence on particular versions of OFED. I also see that there
is only DT_NEEDED on libcudart.so.11.0 and libcuda.so.1, since it looks
like Nvidia doesn't has not incremented any symbol versions.
Are there any known issues using a MVPICH2-GDR 11.2 with 11.4?
Are there any known issues using a MVPICH2-GDR OFED 5.x vs 5.4?


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