[mvapich-discuss] Using DPM on desktop

Lana Deere lana.deere at gmail.com
Wed May 20 13:41:28 EDT 2020

I'm using mvapich2 2.3.1 with mpiexec.hydra.  I have a simple MPI program
and a complex one.  I'm not an MPI expert and have inherited these programs
and their driving script.

The simple one I can run with something like
mpiexec.hydra -np 2 simple-program
and it will run on my desktop.  Or I can use qsub to submit the
mpiexec.hydra command onto a cluster and it will run with the number of
processes assigned by the qsub.  In the latter case it gets more mpiexec
-genv MV2_NUM_HCAS 1
The simple-program runs fine either way, seemingly using InfiniBand on the
cluster and I guess sockets on my desktop.

The complex program I can run under qsub on the cluster; it needs two
additional options to operate:
I would like to be able to run the complex program on my desktop as well,
but the two extra options seem to force InfiniBand, which I don't have on
the desktop.  At least theoretically the program could run with a single
MPI process (plus one additional it spawns locally via DPM) provided I use
only small datasets.

Is there any way to enable DPM which will allow it to run without

If MV2_USE_BLOCKING is InfiniBand-specific, then I should be able to just
skip that option on the desktop?


.. Lana (lana.deere at gmail.com)
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