[mvapich-discuss] Finding the right version of MVAPICH2

Hervé Yviquel herve.yviquel at ic.unicamp.br
Thu Dec 5 14:41:38 EST 2019

Hi all,

My research group at UNICAMP (led by Prof. Guido Araujo) developed a distributed runtime which use MPI as the underlying communication infrastructure. I would like to experiment it with MVAPICH2 but I am having some difficulties to decide what would be the best version of MVAPICH2 according to our specific situation:
All applications which make use of our runtime are deployed using containers technology (docker or singularity) but usually with only a single container by node;

Some of those applications use GPUs to perform the computation and some only use CPUs;

Those applications might be deployed on cloud service provider (either AWS or Azure) or on more traditional HPC clusters (but still using containers);

Should we provide a single container using MVAPICH2-Virt or should we provide multiple possible configurations to our users?

Thanks for the help,

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