[mvapich-discuss] ucx + mvapich2

Morin, Monique Marlene morin at lanl.gov
Thu Jun 7 20:31:01 EDT 2018


We are considering installing/using "UCX" on a cluster with GPUs.  The machine has mvapich2 (version 2.2) already installed.

Our initial testing shows that executables compiled WITHOUT UCX appear to function fine WITH UCX at a very small scale.  Thus it appears no rebuilding of mvapich2 and/or recompiling of source code will be needed.

How does mvapich2 deal with layers such as OFA verbs and/or UCX?  Does it use them or does it have its own custom interface/framework?

Would mvapich2 (and codes built with it) experience better performance if it were built with a UCX specific configuration, is there such a configuration for building mvapich2?

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