[mvapich-discuss] Segfault in RMA fetch_and_op with sub communicator

Min Si msi at anl.gov
Wed Jul 13 18:42:29 EDT 2016


I have got a segfault error in the attached RMA program. It does 
following two steps:
1) Create a sub communicator from MPI_COMM_WORLD which only contains 
processes inter-connected with rank 0. For example, suppose 4 processes 
in comm world (-np 4 -ppn 2),  and rank 0, 1 are on node 0, rank 2, 3 
are on node 1, then the sub communicator includes rank 0, 2, 3.
2) Allocate window on the sub communicator, and perform all to one 
fetch_and_op with flush.

The segfault error is reported at the first fetch_and_op operation. If I 
use only inter-connected processes (e.g., -np 2 -ppn 1) or only 
intra-connected processes (e.g., -np 2 -ppn 2), no error happens.

Could you please help me figure out this issue ? Thanks.


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