[mvapich-discuss] Preliminary Schedule for MUG '16 + Student Travel Grant Available

Hari Subramoni subramoni.1 at osu.edu
Fri Jul 8 15:54:57 EDT 2016

Hello All,

The preliminary schedule for MUG '16 is available from the following URL:


Student travel grant support will be available for Ph.D./M.S. students
from U.S.  academic institutions to attend MUG '16 through a funding
(pending) from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

Submission Procedure

Interested students are requested to submit the following materials
(items 1, 2 and 3 included in a single .pdf file) to
mug at cse.ohio-state.edu. Applications will be considered until July 31,
2016. Decisions will be made in batches as the applications arrive.

1. A short (1-2 page) document describing the following:
    * Contact details (University, Department, Institutional E-mail
      address, and Phone Number)
    * Brief overview of current research
    * Experience with HPC systems (hardware, software, and applications)
      and MPI/PGAS middleware
    * What you would like to learn from attending MUG '16?
    * Interest in presenting a poster about your work with a title and
      a short abstract.
2. A copy of your CV
3. Requested travel cost (including hotel and registration) with
4. An e-mail approval from the student's adviser supporting the travel
   and indicating that the travel cost will not be reimbursed from any
   other sources.  This e-mail can be sent to mug at cse.ohio-state.edu by
   the adviser after the application is submitted by the student.

Further Information

Please visit http://mug.mvapich.cse.ohio-state.edu for more
information on MUG'16 (program, registration, travel & stay).


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