[mvapich-discuss] MPI_Reduce(MPI_SUM) order

Rutger Hofman rutger at cs.vu.nl
Fri Dec 4 04:11:57 EST 2015

Good morning,

my application uses MVapich2 (locally labeled mvapich2/gcc/64/2.0b) over 
Infiniband in a CentOS cluster. I notice the following. When I 
repeatedly run the application, the result of an MPI_Reduce(..., 
MPI_FLOAT, ..., MPI_SUM) over an array of floats may be different over 
various runs, although the inputs are exactly the same (I checked the 
bit patterns of the floats), the number of machines is the same, etc 
etc. The actual machines allocated, and the connection to the switches, 
may be different over runs -- I didn't try to fix the machine allocation 
within the cluster. The difference in the reduce results is at most 
small, in the order of magnitude that one would expect if the summation 
is carried out in a different order.

My question: is it possible with MVapich2 that the internal order of the 
reduce operations is different, even if the number of machines is equal? 
Is it easy/possible to enforce a fixed order in the reduce 
implementation, just to verify this? Or should I suspect some bug of my 
own, like some weird memory corruption? My application also uses RDMA 
verbs natively; in principle that should work fine.

Thank you for your advice,

Rutger Hofman
VU Amsterdam DAS5 http://www.cs.vu.nl/das5

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