[mvapich-discuss] Obtaining older releases

Jeff Hammond jeff.science at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 18:52:22 EST 2014

> Hi DK,
> We are trying to use an alternative mpi build for our Matlab installation on
> ib cluster and we are limited w.r.t the versions that we can use
> (http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/mdce/use-different-mpi-builds-on-unix-systems.html).
> It seems that mvapich2 1.8, which is based on mpich2 1.4.1p1, is the latest
> that we can use for this endeavour, as 1.9 and 2.0b releases have been based
> on mpich 3.x.x.

What is the issue that compels you to use an MPICH2 1.4.1p1
derivative?  It's not clear why you are stuck.  You'd be stuck with
this version if you were trying to use Windows, but that's clearly not
the case given the link you shared.

The right approach to your problem is almost certainly to address
whatever feature of more recent MPICH and derivatives that is blocking
you and not to use out-of-date, unsupported code.

Please feel free to post your MPICH 3.x issues to discuss at mpich.org.
If your issues are not specifically IB-related, you should try to
debug them upstream.  It should not be hard for the OSU folks to merge
MPICH-generic patches downstream.

I notice on the Mathworks page that they document the use of gforker
and mpd.  The mpd process manager has been deprecated for a long time
and is no longer supported.  There is very little reason not to use
Hydra.  If assuming a process manager other than Hydra is what blocks
you, you should fix that issue.



Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com

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