[mvapich-discuss] mvapich 1.9 and posix shared memory

Ben Benjamin.M.Auer at nasa.gov
Wed Jul 31 11:56:50 EDT 2013

I have a fortran code that can use of posix shared memory in a few 
places to help with memory use. With mvapich-1.8.1 the code runs fine 
but when using mvapich-1.9 the code crashes with a floating invalid 
error in the call to system shmctl when trying to release the shared 
memory. Besides the mvapich version everything is identical and the 
codes are binary identical between mvpapich 1.8.1 and 1.9 when not using 
the shared memory capability. I've tried turning off the the shared 
memory versions of the barrier, reduce ext . . . with 
MV2_USE_SHMEM_BARRIER=0 for example but that seems to have no effect.
Is there something else that should be interfering with shared memory?

Ben Auer, PhD   SSAI, Scientific Programmer/Analyst
NASA GSFC,  Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Code 610.1, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD  20771
Phone: 301-286-9176               Fax: 301-614-6246

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