[mvapich-discuss] environment variable for using rsh as default mpirun_rsh's bootstrap?

Limin Gu lgu at penguincomputing.com
Wed Feb 23 12:17:44 EST 2011

Hi Devendar and Jonathan,

First I want to let you know that I just tried mvapich2-1.6rc3, and it does
build on rhel4.8 system, thanks!

Our cluster use rsh instead of ssh between cluster nodes, so I need to use
rsh as the default bootstrap. "mpirun_rsh -rsh" works, but I want to find a
way that I don't have to specify -rsh on each mpirun_rsh commandline.

I am able to set HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP and HYDRA_BOOTSTRAP_EXEC environment
variables for mpiexec in mpich2-1.3.2, but mvapich2-1.6rc3 is different,
first mpiexec command does not take -bootstrap -bootstrap-exec options.
Second, I tried to replace  mvapich2-1.6rc3's hydra directory with
mpich2-1.3.2's hydra directory, it didn't build.

Is there other environment variable to set or can I configure or build
mvapich2 differently to resolve this?

Thank you for your help!

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