[mvapich-discuss] Error When Running Mvapich2

Sticks Mabakane smabakane at csir.co.za
Tue Jul 20 04:47:54 EDT 2010

Dear Mvapich forum,
I will like to ask for your help on installing mvapich2-1.5 in the cluster. I am an administrator of a cluster with 160 nodes connected to each other via (10 GB) infiniband and (1 GB) ethernet network. I have untarred the mvapich2-1.5.tar.gz in the directory named: /CHPC/usr/local/ and then it created a directory named mvapich2-1.5. I have then log into the mvapich2-1.5 directory and issue the command: ./configure --prefix=/CHPC/usr/local/mvapich_new --disable-rdma-cm. From then, I issued the command: make and make install. The package compiled successfully but when I run the applications it gives me the following error message: 
Permission denied.
Some rank on 'chpcc160' exited without finalize.
Cleaning up all processes ...
Please note that chpcc160 is the name of the compute node. Our cluster is running torque and moab as schedulers. I am submitting the job using the following dlpoly script: 
##These lines are for Moab
#MSUB -l nodes=2:ppn=4
#MSUB -l walltime=01:00:00
#MSUB -m be
#MSUB -o /CHPC/work/smabakane/moabtest/moabtes.out
#MSUB -e /CHPC/work/smabakane/moabtest/moabtes.err
#MSUB -d /CHPC/work/smabakane/moabtest
#MSUB -mb
#MSUB -M smabakane at csir.co.za 
##### Running commands
#nproc=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
cd /CHPC/work/smabakane/moabtest
mpirun -n $nproc  /CHPC/usr/local/dl_poly_2.18/execute/DLPOLY.X
Please help. All our applications are also giving the same error of "Permission denied". Thank you 
Sticks Mabakane

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