[mvapich-discuss] Queries reagrding installation of MVAPICH2

Pawan Sood pawansood at pawansood.com
Fri Feb 5 09:46:57 EST 2010

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------

  com Point-to-Point MPI Bandwidth and Latency Benchmark
  Version 1.4.0
  Run at 02/05/10  14:07:57, with rank 0 on cn28.irsclust.com


  Test            Processes  Op Size (bytes)    Ops       BW (MB)
  Unidirectional          2               32    100        59.849
  Unidirectional          2               64    100       133.678
  Unidirectional          2              128    100       223.077
  Unidirectional          2              256    100       381.052
  Unidirectional          2              512    100       651.796
  Unidirectional          2             1024    100      1003.113
  Unidirectional          2             2048    100      1110.970
  Unidirectional          2             4096    100      1321.899
  Unidirectional          2             8192    100      1418.127
  Unidirectional          2            16384    100       400.832
  Unidirectional          2            32768    100       567.362
  Unidirectional          2            65536    100       715.498
  Unidirectional          2           131072    100       823.420
  Unidirectional          2           262144    100       890.571
  Unidirectional          2           524288    100       928.732
  Unidirectional          2          1048576    100       948.993
  Unidirectional          2          2097152    100       959.365
  Unidirectional          2          4194304    100       964.827
  Unidirectional          2          8388608    100       967.598

  Test            Processes  Op Size (bytes)    Ops       BW (MB)
  Bidirectional           2               32    100        12.736
  Bidirectional           2               64    100        26.283
  Bidirectional           2              128    100        42.596
  Bidirectional           2              256    100        81.399
  Bidirectional           2              512    100       142.321
  Bidirectional           2             1024    100       235.538
  Bidirectional           2             2048    100       397.863
  Bidirectional           2             4096    100       552.953
  Bidirectional           2             8192    100       764.180
  Bidirectional           2            16384    100       492.752
  Bidirectional           2            32768    100       779.355
  Bidirectional           2            65536    100      1089.724
  Bidirectional           2           131072    100      1361.221
  Bidirectional           2           262144    100      1509.698
  Bidirectional           2           524288    100      1801.275
  Bidirectional           2          1048576    100      1837.335
  Bidirectional           2          2097152    100      1855.337
  Bidirectional           2          4194304    100      1893.223
  Bidirectional           2          8388608    100      1884.766

  Test            Processes  Op Size (bytes)    Ops  Latency (us)
  Latency                 2                0    100         8.800

  Max Unidirectional  Bandwidth :        1418.13 for message size of    8192 bytes
  Max Bidirectional   Bandwidth :        1893.22 for message size of 4194304 bytes


Test Parameters

Process pair allocation              : block
MB size for BW calculation           : 1000000

Barrier not included in measurement.

Bandwidth calculated as sum of process bandwidths.

MPI_Wtick returns           0.000010000
MPI_Wtime overhead          0.000001000
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  glob MPI Collective Communication Benchmark
  Version 1.4.0
  Run at 02/05/10  14:09:27, with rank 0 on cn28.irsclust.com


  Test                      Processes  Op Size (bytes)    Ops      Min (us)     Avrg (us)      Max (us)
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2               32    100         1.600         2.000         2.400
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2               64    100         1.390         1.690         1.990
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2              128    100         1.470         1.835         2.200
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2              256    100         1.520         1.865         2.210
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2              512    100         1.640         2.045         2.450
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2             1024    100         1.670         1.955         2.240
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2             2048    100         2.140         2.740         3.340
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2             4096    100         3.120         4.295         5.470
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2             8192    100        19.240        20.440        21.640
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2            16384    100        44.980        44.985        44.990
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2            32768    100        70.140        70.185        70.230
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2            65536    100       126.700       126.805       126.910
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2           131072    100       235.620       235.860       236.100
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2           262144    100       453.270       453.760       454.250
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2           524288    100       897.610       898.620       899.630
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2          1048576    100      1940.550      1942.635      1944.720
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2          2097152    100      6379.990      6387.590      6395.190
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2          4194304    100     13679.720     13697.195     13714.670
  Reduce:Double-SUM-R0              2          8388608    100     28747.580     28782.495     28817.410

Test Parameters


Barrier not included in measurement.

MPI_Wtick returns           0.000010000
MPI_Wtime overhead          0.000001000

-------------- next part --------------
[pawan at cn28 ~]$ /usr/mpi/gcc/mvapich-1.1.0/bin/mpirun_rsh -np 2 -hostfile /gpfs0/pawan/cluster /usr/mpi/gcc/mvapich-1.1.0/tests/presta-1.4.0/globalop
Testing N=4096, 2 tasks
Average work time per task is  0.1813
Average barrier + work time per task is    0.24
Average barrier time per task is    0.02
Average reduce + work time per task is    0.23
Minimum reduce + work time was    0.17
Maximum reduce + work time was    0.29
Average reduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum reduce time was    0.01
Maximum reduce time was    0.03
Average bcast + work time per task is    0.26
Minimum bcast + work time was    0.26
Maximum bcast + work time was    0.26
Average bcast time per task is    0.00
Minimum bcast time was    0.00
Maximum bcast time was    0.00
Average allreduce + work time per task is    0.25
Minimum allreduce + work time was    0.25
Maximum allreduce + work time was    0.25
Average allreduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum allreduce time was    0.02
Maximum allreduce time was    0.02
Average reduce-bcast time per task is    0.04
Minimum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Maximum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Average reduce-work-bcast time per task is    0.29
Minimum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.29
Maximum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.29

Average work time per task is  0.1958
Average barrier + work time per task is    0.23
Average barrier time per task is    0.02
Average reduce + work time per task is    0.20
Minimum reduce + work time was    0.15
Maximum reduce + work time was    0.25
Average reduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum reduce time was    0.01
Maximum reduce time was    0.04
Average bcast + work time per task is    0.26
Minimum bcast + work time was    0.26
Maximum bcast + work time was    0.26
Average bcast time per task is    0.00
Minimum bcast time was    0.00
Maximum bcast time was    0.00
Average allreduce + work time per task is    0.24
Minimum allreduce + work time was    0.24
Maximum allreduce + work time was    0.24
Average allreduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum allreduce time was    0.02
Maximum allreduce time was    0.02
Average reduce-bcast time per task is    0.04
Minimum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Maximum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Average reduce-work-bcast time per task is    0.29
Minimum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.29
Maximum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.29

Average work time per task is  0.1962
Average barrier + work time per task is    0.24
Average barrier time per task is    0.02
Average reduce + work time per task is    0.20
Minimum reduce + work time was    0.15
Maximum reduce + work time was    0.25
Average reduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum reduce time was    0.01
Maximum reduce time was    0.04
Average bcast + work time per task is    0.23
Minimum bcast + work time was    0.23
Maximum bcast + work time was    0.23
Average bcast time per task is    0.00
Minimum bcast time was    0.00
Maximum bcast time was    0.00
Average allreduce + work time per task is    0.26
Minimum allreduce + work time was    0.26
Maximum allreduce + work time was    0.26
Average allreduce time per task is    0.02
Minimum allreduce time was    0.02
Maximum allreduce time was    0.02
Average reduce-bcast time per task is    0.04
Minimum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Maximum reduce-bcast time was    0.04
Average reduce-work-bcast time per task is    0.30
Minimum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.30
Maximum reduce-work-bcast time was    0.30

Average elapsed run time was    4.97
All done
-------------- next part --------------
#    Intel (R) MPI Benchmark Suite V3.1, MPI-1 part    
# Date                  : Fri Feb  5 14:13:10 2010
# Machine               : x86_64
# System                : Linux
# Release               : 2.6.9-42.ELsmp
# Version               : #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 23:32:02 EDT 2006
# MPI Version           : 1.2
# MPI Thread Environment: MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED

# Calling sequence was: 

# /usr/mpi/gcc/mvapich-1.1.0/tests/IMB-3.1/IMB-MPI1

# Minimum message length in bytes:   0
# Maximum message length in bytes:   4194304
# MPI_Datatype                   :   MPI_BYTE 
# MPI_Datatype for reductions    :   MPI_FLOAT
# MPI_Op                         :   MPI_SUM  

# List of Benchmarks to run:

# PingPong
# PingPing
# Sendrecv
# Exchange
# Allreduce
# Reduce
# Reduce_scatter
# Allgather
# Allgatherv
# Gather
# Gatherv
# Scatter
# Scatterv
# Alltoall
# Alltoallv
# Bcast
# Barrier

# Benchmarking PingPong 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000         4.10         0.00
            1         1000         4.13         0.23
            2         1000         4.13         0.46
            4         1000         4.20         0.91
            8         1000         4.21         1.81
           16         1000         4.24         3.60
           32         1000         4.40         6.94
           64         1000         4.49        13.59
          128         1000         5.56        21.94
          256         1000         6.00        40.66
          512         1000         6.79        71.91
         1024         1000         8.11       120.47
         2048         1000         9.78       199.64
         4096         1000        13.00       300.53
         8192         1000        19.52       400.14
        16384         1000        38.58       404.99
        32768         1000        55.35       564.59
        65536          640        89.18       700.86
       131072          320       156.80       797.20
       262144          160       292.38       855.06
       524288           80       564.32       886.02
      1048576           40      1109.10       901.63
      2097152           20      2203.95       907.46
      4194304           10      4419.60       905.06

# Benchmarking PingPing 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000         4.19         0.00
            1         1000         4.20         0.23
            2         1000         4.21         0.45
            4         1000         4.27         0.89
            8         1000         4.32         1.76
           16         1000         4.32         3.53
           32         1000         4.49         6.80
           64         1000         4.59        13.31
          128         1000         5.68        21.50
          256         1000         6.10        40.00
          512         1000         6.90        70.80
         1024         1000         8.32       117.42
         2048         1000        10.00       195.27
         4096         1000        14.04       278.18
         8192         1000        20.95       372.91
        16384         1000        42.10       371.14
        32768         1000        59.10       528.77
        65536          640        93.18       670.72
       131072          320       161.30       774.97
       262144          160       298.04       838.82
       524288           80       571.88       874.32
      1048576           40      1119.30       893.42
      2097152           20      2217.15       902.06
      4194304           10      4419.70       905.04

# Benchmarking Sendrecv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000         4.33         4.33         4.33         0.00
            1         1000         4.35         4.35         4.35         0.44
            2         1000         4.35         4.35         4.35         0.88
            4         1000         4.43         4.43         4.43         1.72
            8         1000         4.46         4.46         4.46         3.42
           16         1000         4.48         4.48         4.48         6.81
           32         1000         4.63         4.64         4.64        13.16
           64         1000         4.74         4.74         4.74        25.75
          128         1000         5.84         5.84         5.84        41.80
          256         1000         6.25         6.25         6.25        78.14
          512         1000         7.04         7.04         7.04       138.70
         1024         1000         8.42         8.42         8.42       231.91
         2048         1000        10.32        10.33        10.33       378.29
         4096         1000        14.05        14.05        14.05       555.89
         8192         1000        20.82        20.83        20.83       749.98
        16384         1000        42.59        42.59        42.59       733.65
        32768         1000        59.85        59.86        59.86      1044.10
        65536          640        94.26        94.27        94.26      1326.04
       131072          320       163.45       163.46       163.45      1529.43
       262144          160       299.77       299.79       299.78      1667.85
       524288           80       578.40       578.42       578.41      1728.83
      1048576           40      1120.45      1120.60      1120.53      1784.76
      2097152           20      2325.30      2325.35      2325.33      1720.17
      4194304           10      4410.30      4410.50      4410.40      1813.85

# Benchmarking Exchange 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
            0         1000         7.52         7.52         7.52         0.00
            1         1000         7.55         7.55         7.55         0.50
            2         1000         7.54         7.54         7.54         1.01
            4         1000         7.64         7.65         7.64         2.00
            8         1000         7.67         7.68         7.67         3.98
           16         1000         7.69         7.69         7.69         7.94
           32         1000         7.86         7.86         7.86        15.53
           64         1000         7.83         7.84         7.83        31.16
          128         1000         9.36         9.36         9.36        52.19
          256         1000         9.91         9.91         9.91        98.50
          512         1000        11.01        11.02        11.02       177.27
         1024         1000        13.09        13.09        13.09       298.46
         2048         1000        16.02        16.02        16.02       487.58
         4096         1000        21.44        21.44        21.44       728.68
         8192         1000        32.36        32.36        32.36       965.64
        16384         1000        75.57        75.57        75.57       827.00
        32768         1000       109.76       109.77       109.76      1138.77
        65536          640       177.97       177.98       177.98      1404.65
       131072          320       314.14       314.16       314.15      1591.55
       262144          160       587.05       587.08       587.06      1703.36
       524288           80      1133.39      1133.48      1133.43      1764.49
      1048576           40      2229.87      2230.00      2229.94      1793.72
      2097152           20      4426.75      4427.15      4426.95      1807.03
      4194304           10      8910.20      8911.30      8910.75      1795.47

# Benchmarking Allreduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.05         0.08         0.07
            4         1000         5.23         5.23         5.23
            8         1000         5.24         5.24         5.24
           16         1000         5.27         5.27         5.27
           32         1000         5.45         5.45         5.45
           64         1000         5.51         5.52         5.52
          128         1000         6.60         6.60         6.60
          256         1000         7.09         7.09         7.09
          512         1000         8.34         8.34         8.34
         1024         1000        10.19        10.19        10.19
         2048         1000        12.23        12.23        12.23
         4096         1000        16.54        16.54        16.54
         8192         1000        25.48        25.48        25.48
        16384         1000        58.34        58.34        58.34
        32768         1000        93.19        93.19        93.19
        65536          640       162.26       162.28       162.27
       131072          320       301.63       301.73       301.68
       262144          160       581.36       581.88       581.62
       524288           80      1266.16      1267.44      1266.80
      1048576           40      2851.92      2853.90      2852.91
      2097152           20      5681.80      5684.20      5683.00
      4194304           10     14605.30     14618.00     14611.65

# Benchmarking Reduce 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.08         0.07
            4         1000         5.67         5.68         5.68
            8         1000         5.71         5.71         5.71
           16         1000         5.71         5.71         5.71
           32         1000         5.88         5.89         5.89
           64         1000         5.93         5.94         5.94
          128         1000         7.12         7.12         7.12
          256         1000         7.51         7.52         7.52
          512         1000         8.58         8.59         8.58
         1024         1000         9.65         9.67         9.66
         2048         1000        11.53        11.55        11.54
         4096         1000        15.59        15.61        15.60
         8192         1000        24.21        24.23        24.22
        16384         1000        52.24        52.25        52.25
        32768         1000        81.22        81.25        81.24
        65536          640       138.91       138.97       138.94
       131072          320       254.37       254.62       254.50
       262144          160       517.85       518.87       518.36
       524288           80      1153.93      1158.81      1156.37
      1048576           40      2358.45      2380.63      2369.54
      2097152           20      6082.95      6157.90      6120.43
      4194304           10     16046.60     16389.00     16217.80

# Benchmarking Reduce_scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.13         0.14         0.14
            4         1000         1.37         4.10         2.73
            8         1000         5.76         5.76         5.76
           16         1000         5.79         5.79         5.79
           32         1000         5.82         5.82         5.82
           64         1000         5.97         5.97         5.97
          128         1000         6.12         6.13         6.13
          256         1000         7.24         7.25         7.25
          512         1000         7.85         7.85         7.85
         1024         1000         8.89         8.90         8.90
         2048         1000        10.93        10.94        10.94
         4096         1000        13.04        13.05        13.05
         8192         1000        17.99        18.00        17.99
        16384         1000        29.28        29.30        29.29
        32768         1000        63.30        63.30        63.30
        65536          640        99.48        99.48        99.48
       131072          320       179.10       179.16       179.13
       262144          160       340.52       340.72       340.62
       524288           80       514.23       514.89       514.56
      1048576           40      1259.40      1263.23      1261.31
      2097152           20      2826.40      2848.55      2837.48
      4194304           10      6743.30      6756.00      6749.65

# Benchmarking Allgather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.07         0.07
            1         1000         5.06         5.06         5.06
            2         1000         5.02         5.02         5.02
            4         1000         5.22         5.22         5.22
            8         1000         5.23         5.23         5.23
           16         1000         5.27         5.28         5.28
           32         1000         5.43         5.43         5.43
           64         1000         5.52         5.52         5.52
          128         1000         6.58         6.58         6.58
          256         1000         7.05         7.05         7.05
          512         1000         8.09         8.09         8.09
         1024         1000         9.76         9.77         9.76
         2048         1000        11.69        11.70        11.70
         4096         1000        16.16        16.17        16.17
         8192         1000        24.76        24.77        24.77
        16384         1000        56.46        56.47        56.47
        32768         1000        85.28        85.30        85.29
        65536          640       146.73       146.76       146.74
       131072          320       279.56       279.65       279.61
       262144          160       753.47       754.77       754.12
       524288           80      1754.79      1761.80      1758.29
      1048576           40      1937.73      1937.98      1937.85
      2097152           20      3845.00      3845.45      3845.23
      4194304           10      7751.30      7752.40      7751.85

# Benchmarking Allgatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.07         0.06
            1         1000         5.66         5.66         5.66
            2         1000         5.67         5.67         5.67
            4         1000         5.84         5.84         5.84
            8         1000         5.87         5.87         5.87
           16         1000         5.91         5.92         5.92
           32         1000         6.09         6.09         6.09
           64         1000         6.10         6.10         6.10
          128         1000         7.14         7.15         7.14
          256         1000         7.79         7.79         7.79
          512         1000         8.70         8.70         8.70
         1024         1000        10.43        10.44        10.44
         2048         1000        12.41        12.41        12.41
         4096         1000        16.70        16.71        16.70
         8192         1000        25.04        25.05        25.05
        16384         1000        57.03        57.04        57.04
        32768         1000        86.62        86.63        86.62
        65536          640       147.53       147.55       147.54
       131072          320       268.90       268.99       268.95
       262144          160       756.34       757.64       756.99
       524288           80      1734.01      1740.95      1737.48
      1048576           40      2016.92      2017.15      2017.04
      2097152           20      3844.00      3844.35      3844.17
      4194304           10      7669.00      7669.30      7669.15

# Benchmarking Gather 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.08         0.07
            1         1000         4.51         4.53         4.52
            2         1000         4.46         4.47         4.46
            4         1000         4.53         4.53         4.53
            8         1000         4.55         4.56         4.56
           16         1000         4.57         4.58         4.58
           32         1000         4.74         4.74         4.74
           64         1000         4.82         4.82         4.82
          128         1000         5.90         5.90         5.90
          256         1000         6.32         6.32         6.32
          512         1000         7.11         7.12         7.12
         1024         1000         8.51         8.52         8.52
         2048         1000        10.24        10.25        10.24
         4096         1000        13.74        13.76        13.75
         8192         1000        20.87        20.89        20.88
        16384         1000        56.28        56.30        56.29
        32768         1000        84.65        84.67        84.66
        65536          640       115.32       115.39       115.35
       131072          320       209.03       209.29       209.16
       262144          160       512.64       514.36       513.50
       524288           80      1134.49      1143.68      1139.08
      1048576           40      2388.05      2428.80      2408.43
      2097152           20      5904.40      6088.65      5996.53
      4194304           10     11726.10     12454.90     12090.50

# Benchmarking Gatherv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         4.36         4.37         4.37
            1         1000         4.35         4.36         4.36
            2         1000         4.36         4.36         4.36
            4         1000         4.44         4.45         4.45
            8         1000         4.48         4.48         4.48
           16         1000         4.50         4.50         4.50
           32         1000         4.67         4.67         4.67
           64         1000         4.78         4.78         4.78
          128         1000         5.86         5.87         5.86
          256         1000         6.25         6.26         6.25
          512         1000         7.02         7.03         7.03
         1024         1000         8.42         8.44         8.43
         2048         1000        10.12        10.13        10.13
         4096         1000        13.55        13.56        13.55
         8192         1000        20.53        20.55        20.54
        16384         1000        40.07        40.07        40.07
        32768         1000        57.97        57.97        57.97
        65536          640        95.95        95.97        95.96
       131072          320       169.37       169.44       169.40
       262144          160       316.57       316.87       316.72
       524288           80       691.54       694.79       693.16
      1048576           40      1498.03      1518.12      1508.08
      2097152           20      2983.20      3063.80      3023.50
      4194304           10      6000.20      6322.60      6161.40

# Benchmarking Scatter 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.09         0.08
            1         1000         4.46         4.46         4.46
            2         1000         4.43         4.43         4.43
            4         1000         4.51         4.51         4.51
            8         1000         4.57         4.57         4.57
           16         1000         4.55         4.56         4.56
           32         1000         4.71         4.72         4.71
           64         1000         4.83         4.83         4.83
          128         1000         5.88         5.88         5.88
          256         1000         6.32         6.32         6.32
          512         1000         7.10         7.11         7.11
         1024         1000         8.54         8.54         8.54
         2048         1000        10.25        10.25        10.25
         4096         1000        13.70        13.71        13.70
         8192         1000        20.61        20.62        20.61
        16384         1000        44.55        44.56        44.56
        32768         1000        68.09        68.11        68.10
        65536          640       116.29       116.35       116.32
       131072          320       212.12       212.32       212.22
       262144          160       498.69       499.73       499.21
       524288           80      1103.05      1108.21      1105.63
      1048576           40      2285.40      2306.00      2295.70
      2097152           20      5942.05      6045.25      5993.65
      4194304           10     11656.10     12057.70     11856.90

# Benchmarking Scatterv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         4.40         4.41         4.40
            1         1000         4.40         4.40         4.40
            2         1000         4.41         4.41         4.41
            4         1000         4.53         4.53         4.53
            8         1000         4.55         4.55         4.55
           16         1000         4.57         4.57         4.57
           32         1000         4.74         4.74         4.74
           64         1000         4.80         4.80         4.80
          128         1000         5.87         5.88         5.88
          256         1000         6.29         6.30         6.29
          512         1000         7.08         7.08         7.08
         1024         1000         8.47         8.47         8.47
         2048         1000        10.15        10.15        10.15
         4096         1000        13.53        13.54        13.53
         8192         1000        20.52        20.54        20.53
        16384         1000        41.74        41.75        41.74
        32768         1000        61.51        61.53        61.52
        65536          640       102.47       102.53       102.50
       131072          320       184.48       184.68       184.58
       262144          160       347.94       348.68       348.31
       524288           80       685.40       688.52       686.96
      1048576           40      1474.60      1493.57      1484.09
      2097152           20      2953.00      3032.60      2992.80
      4194304           10      5912.20      6231.70      6071.95

# Benchmarking Alltoall 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.06         0.07         0.07
            1         1000         4.94         4.94         4.94
            2         1000         4.92         4.92         4.92
            4         1000         5.01         5.01         5.01
            8         1000         5.03         5.04         5.04
           16         1000         5.06         5.06         5.06
           32         1000         5.23         5.23         5.23
           64         1000         5.29         5.29         5.29
          128         1000         6.37         6.37         6.37
          256         1000         6.82         6.82         6.82
          512         1000         7.68         7.69         7.69
         1024         1000         9.43         9.43         9.43
         2048         1000        11.41        11.41        11.41
         4096         1000        15.43        15.44        15.43
         8192         1000        23.12        23.12        23.12
        16384         1000        45.97        45.98        45.97
        32768         1000        65.82        65.82        65.82
        65536          640       106.50       106.51       106.51
       131072          320       186.43       186.44       186.43
       262144          160       361.41       361.44       361.43
       524288           80       831.64       831.72       831.68
      1048576           40      1973.77      1973.93      1973.85
      2097152           20      3840.15      3840.50      3840.32
      4194304           10      7667.50      7668.20      7667.85

# Benchmarking Alltoallv 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         4.80         4.80         4.80
            1         1000         4.82         4.82         4.82
            2         1000         4.84         4.84         4.84
            4         1000         4.94         4.94         4.94
            8         1000         4.97         4.97         4.97
           16         1000         4.98         4.98         4.98
           32         1000         5.16         5.16         5.16
           64         1000         5.20         5.20         5.20
          128         1000         6.32         6.32         6.32
          256         1000         6.74         6.74         6.74
          512         1000         7.55         7.56         7.56
         1024         1000         9.24         9.25         9.24
         2048         1000        11.41        11.42        11.42
         4096         1000        15.35        15.35        15.35
         8192         1000        22.81        22.82        22.81
        16384         1000        45.94        45.95        45.94
        32768         1000        65.83        65.83        65.83
        65536          640       106.47       106.48       106.47
       131072          320       186.39       186.40       186.40
       262144          160       361.41       361.43       361.42
       524288           80       829.89       829.97       829.93
      1048576           40      1972.77      1972.90      1972.84
      2097152           20      3838.35      3838.70      3838.53
      4194304           10      7667.20      7667.90      7667.55

# Benchmarking Bcast 
# #processes = 2 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.04         0.07         0.06
            1         1000         4.38         4.38         4.38
            2         1000         4.36         4.36         4.36
            4         1000         4.43         4.43         4.43
            8         1000         4.46         4.46         4.46
           16         1000         4.48         4.48         4.48
           32         1000         4.65         4.65         4.65
           64         1000         4.75         4.75         4.75
          128         1000         5.81         5.82         5.82
          256         1000         6.25         6.25         6.25
          512         1000         7.03         7.04         7.04
         1024         1000         8.44         8.45         8.44
         2048         1000        10.03        10.03        10.03
         4096         1000        13.34        13.35        13.35
         8192         1000        20.02        20.04        20.03
        16384         1000        39.10        39.11        39.10
        32768         1000        55.84        55.85        55.85
        65536          640        89.62        89.63        89.62
       131072          320       157.22       157.24       157.23
       262144          160       292.39       292.42       292.41
       524288           80       562.62       562.68       562.65
      1048576           40      1103.03      1103.22      1103.13
      2097152           20      2187.85      2188.10      2187.98
      4194304           10      4346.90      4347.40      4347.15

# Benchmarking Barrier 
# #processes = 2 
 #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
         1000         4.43         4.43         4.43
-------------- next part --------------
# OSU Broadcast Latency Test v3.0
# Size            Latency (us)
1                         4.28
2                         4.27
4                         4.31
8                         4.32
16                        4.34
32                        4.54
64                        4.60
128                       5.67
256                       6.20
512                       7.11
1024                      8.55
2048                     10.36
4096                     13.83
8192                     20.84
16384                    38.38
-------------- next part --------------
# OSU MPI Bi-Directional Bandwidth Test v3.0
# Size     Bi-Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         2.65
2                         5.27
4                         9.60
8                        19.31
16                       36.89
32                       70.32
64                      141.98
128                     264.73
256                     471.14
512                     768.03
1024                   1048.41
2048                   1339.73
4096                   1332.85
8192                   1531.60
16384                  1433.71
32768                  1643.05
65536                  1769.47
131072                 1839.06
262144                 1874.86
524288                 1892.87
1048576                1902.15
2097152                1907.09
4194304                1909.32
-------------- next part --------------
# OSU MPI Latency Test v3.0
# Size            Latency (us)
0                         4.03
1                         4.07
2                         4.07
4                         4.13
8                         4.15
16                        4.18
32                        4.31
64                        4.43
128                       5.48
256                       5.81
512                       6.59
1024                      7.83
2048                      9.49
4096                     12.73
8192                     19.30
16384                    37.98
32768                    55.02
65536                    88.82
131072                  156.19
262144                  291.49
524288                  561.89
1048576                1102.08
2097152                2182.45
4194304                4343.50
-------------- next part --------------
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.0
# Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         1.74
2                         3.51
4                         6.09
8                        13.10
16                       26.28
32                       50.86
64                       94.51
128                     176.40
256                     322.14
512                     480.82
1024                    645.17
2048                    777.23
4096                    859.60
8192                    905.07
16384                   823.70
32768                   891.13
65536                   929.89
131072                  950.52
262144                  960.37
524288                  965.38
1048576                 967.95
2097152                 969.25
4194304                 969.87

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