[mvapich-discuss] Re: SLURM with MVAPICH2-1.4-RC1

Adam Moody moody20 at llnl.gov
Thu Aug 6 21:29:32 EDT 2009

I may have found the issue.  I added "--with-pmi=slurm" and 
"--with-pm=no" to my configure.  Here is my configure:

           ./configure \
             --prefix=$(PREFIXDIR) \
             --enable-sharedlibs=gcc \
             --enable-f77 --enable-f90 --enable-cxx \
             --enable-fast=O0 --enable-error-checking=all 
--enable-error-messages=all --disable-nmpi-as-mpi \
             --enable-g=all --enable-debuginfo \
             --with-pmi=slurm --with-pm=no --with-slurm=/usr/lib64 \
             --with-rdma=gen2 --with-ib-include=/usr/include 
--with-ib-lib=/usr/lib64 \
             --enable-romio --with-file-system=lustre+nfs+ufs \
             --disable-mpe --without-mpe

After configure/make/make install, the following command successfully 
ran two processes as part of the same MPI job:

    srun -n2 -ppdebug --mpi=none ./mpiBench_mvapich2 Barrier

Assuming this is the right approach, you may want to list the --with-pmi 
and --with-pm settings in Section 4.3.1 "Using SLURM" of the User Guide 
so others don't hit the same issue.  Please let me know if I'm still 
missing anything.

Adam Moody wrote:

> Hello MVAPICH team,
> I'm trying to build and test MVAPICH2-1.4-RC1-r3378.  I'd like to 
> configure it to use SLURM (i.e., link against SLURM's PMI library) so 
> that I can launch the job via something like "srun -n2 ./hellompi".  
> According to the User Guide, it looks like there is a --with-slurm 
> configuration parameter, but I can't get it to work.  First, it's not 
> clear which directory I should name here.  We have a pmi.h in 
> /usr/include/slurm and a libpmi.so in /usr/lib64.  I tried 
> --with-slurm=/usr/lib64 on the top most configure, but that didn't 
> work.  Can you tell me what I need to do?
> Thanks,
> -Adam

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