[mvapich-discuss] mvapich 1.0.1 Got error polling CQ

Jeff Haferman jeff at haferman.com
Mon Aug 3 15:01:14 EDT 2009

Hi -
This is our first try of IB and mvapich, and yes I will install a more up-to-date version, but could someone explain the following:

mpirun -np 2 -hostfile hostfile ./osu_latency
Abort signaled by rank 0: [compute-0-0.local:0] Got error polling CQ

Abort signaled by rank 1: Error polling CQ

Exit code -3 signaled from compute-ib-0-0
Killing remote processes...MPI process terminated unexpectedly
MPI process terminated unexpectedly

This is mvapich 1.0.1 compiled with gnu 4.1.2 on Centos 5.2 with Linux kernel 2.6.18-92.1.26 and ofed 1.3.1
What is "Error polling CQ"?  I done a search and read the manual but can't find anything helpful.


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