[mvapich-discuss] Re: mvapich2 crash

SpiglerG spiglerg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 13:17:58 EST 2008

> Hi.
> Since when I started using the BASS cluster, I've worked on porting my
> applications to the new system (mainly libraries compatibility), but I
> had some weird problems with using the installed MPI library.
> After some coding, I could finally take the problem down to a simple case.
> It seems that running an MPI program which uses pthread library, and
> has threads instancing malloc/free calls leads to program crashes due
> to `munmap_chunk() invalid pointer`s.
> This could be depend on some memory locking or strict memory handling
> from the MPI system; could someone help me solving it?
> I'm attaching the source code I'm using (the stripped-down one), among
> with an example of a crash.
> I'm compiling with `mpicc -o pt pt.c -lpthread -fPIC` (-fPIC just to
> get some more debug information), and running with `mpirun -np 1
> -machinefile machines $(pwd)/pt` (where machines contains a single
> line with an allocated machine, eg using `qlogin -l gpus=4`, [as I'm
> working on GPU nodes for my apps]).
> Hope someone can help me.
>              Giacomo Spigler

I've downloaded and compiled latest version of MVAPICH2, compiling
with `./configure --prefix...  --enable-cxx --enable-threads=multiple`
and now the problems doesn't persist anymore.
It could be that it was related to a now-fixed MVAPICH2 bug, or to a
missing `enable-threads` (as the problem was related to threads), but
it's solved.
I would like to ask whether it is possible to do this officially (that
is, without having to keep my mpicc executable to compile my
programs), and upgrade the system this way.

              Giacomo Spigler

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