[mvapich-discuss] compile charm++ and namd with mvapich 1.0.1 and/or mvapich2

Vlad Cojocaru Vlad.Cojocaru at eml-r.villa-bosch.de
Thu Aug 14 11:32:21 EDT 2008

Dear mvapich users,

I tried to compile mvapich1.0.1, charm++ and namd on our new Linux-amd64 
infiniband cluster using the intel 10.1.015 compilers. With 
mvapich1.0.1, I managed to build mvapich1.0.1, tested the programs in 
the /examples directory. Then, I bult charm++ and tested it with 
"mpirun_rsh -n 2" .. All tests passed correctly. Then I built namd on 
top of mvapich1.0.1 and charm,

Everything seemed ok only that the namd executable hangs without error 
messages. In fact  it appears as if it still runs but it doesn't produce 
any output. If I repeat exactly the same procedure but with openmpi 
instead of mvapich, everything works fine ....(however I am not so happy 
about the scaling of openmpi on infiniband)

Does anyone have experience with installing namd using mvapich1.0.1 ? If 
yes, any idea why this happens? I must say when I did the same on 
another cluster which had mvapich1.0.1 already compiled with the intel 
compilers, everything worked out correcltly. So, it must be something 
with the compilation of mvapich1.0.1 on our new infiniband setup that 
creates the problem.

The german in the error simply says that executable "mpiname was not found"

Best wishes

I also tried mvapich2 but the compilation fails when installing the 
mpiname application (see error below) which apparently fails to compile 
(no executable is  found in /env/mpiname dir). However no error messages 
are printed by make and the build completes correctly. So I am not sure 
why mpiname does not compile and still make install tries to install it ...

/usr/bin/install -c  mpiname/mpiname 
/usr/bin/install: Aufruf von stat für âmpiname/mpinameâ nicht möglich: 
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make[1]: *** [install] Fehler 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [install] Fehler 2

Dr. Vlad Cojocaru

EML Research gGmbH
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
69118 Heidelberg

Tel: ++49-6221-533266
Fax: ++49-6221-533298



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